How to Use
Raking your Lawn
Raking the lawn helps aerate the soil, prevent diseases, it also
improves surface drainage and promotes a healthier thicker
There are several types of mosses, which can cause
problems to your lawn. Moss as well as being detrimental
to the appearance of your lawn, will smother grass, make
the lawn spongy, make it difficult to mow, hold water and
encourage disease. Moss spores are released during
spring and autumn.
Thatch is decaying organic matter that builds up on the
base of the lawn. Like moss thatch is detrimental to the
appearance of your lawn and can cause bad surface
drainage, encourage weeds, prevent air circulation and
encourage disease.
How to Use
• Do not use in wet or damp conditions. Raking in wet
conditions can damage the lawn.
• Do not force the lawnrake through long grass it should be
used on grass no longer than 75mm in length. If the grass is
long, mow the lawn prior to using the Lawn Rake. The Lawn
Rake can collect your grass clippings while raking.
• Clear the lawn of any loose debris or stones that may
damage the lawnrake.
• On your first use choose a medium height to start with, and
then adjust the height setting to suit your lawn and use.
• Start the lawnrake at the edge of the lawn, close to the
power point, and work away from the power point. Once
you have raked the lawn in one direction rake again at right
angles to the previous direction.
• For total control of moss, use moss killer in early spring a
couple of weeks prior to using the lawnrake
• To gently remove particularly heavy areas of moss and
thatch you may have to rake over the area several times.
• For best results use your lawnrake regularly particularly at
the beginning of the season to encourage good growth and
at the end of the season to prepare the lawn for winter. The
lawn should be raked in autumn leaving some time for the
lawn to thicken and recover before winter.
• To maintain the quality of your lawnrake it is recommended
that you clean it after use. Refer to the section - Caring for
your Product
Starting and Stopping
To Start your Product
1. Form loop in mains cable and push the loop through
the slot.
2. To secure, position loop over the hook and pull the
cable back through the slot
3. Connect plug to mains and switch on.
4. Tilt the handle downwards to slightly raise the front of
the product and to reduce the risk of lawn damage
whilst starting.
The switchbox is provided with a lock-off button (H1)
to prevent accidental starting.
5. Press and hold the lock-off button
on the switch-
box, then squeeze one of the Start/Stop levers to-
wards the upper handle
6. Continue to squeeze the start/stop lever towards the
upper handle and release the lock-off button
7. Lower the product to its proper operating position and
commence raking.
• NOTE - There are two start/stop levers fitted. Ei-
ther one can be used for starting the product.
• IMPORTANT - Do not use the start/stop levers in-
To Stop your Product
1. Release the pressure on the Start/Stop lever.