The Babymaker
| Owners Manual
Be sure to frequently inspect and tighten your crank bolts as needed.
Crank bolts can loosen on any bike, especially after strenuous use.
While riding in the rain is totally safe, rust is a bikes worst enemy!
Be sure to dry off your Babymaker after a wet ride.
Inspect all bolts on a regular basis to ensure that they are tight and all
components are secure.
Regularly check your brake pads, and change them if you notice:
- Contamination
- Less than .8mm of material
- Cracks or deformation
Properly inflate your tires. Under inflated tires are prone to flats and can
affect the smoothness of your ride.
In general, it is good to give your bike a nice wipe down with a damp rag
when it gets particularly dirty. Make sure to be mindful when going near
the electronics.
Proper maintenance is essential for your safety and to ensure that you
get optimal performance from your eBike. If you are unable to perform the
general maintenance yourself, please reach out to a qualified mechanic.
Electric Bicycles are defined by the California Vehicle Code.
New legislation became effective in January 2016. The current regulations
define an “electric bicycle” as: a bicycle equipped with fully operable pedals and an
electric motor of less than 750 watts, separated into three classes:
A “class 1 electric bicycle,”
or “low-speed pedal-assisted electric bicycle,”
is a bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider
is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches
the speed of 20 miles per hour.
A “class 2 electric bicycle,”
or “low-speed throttle-assisted electric
bicycle,” is a bicycle equipped with a motor that may be used exclusively to
propel the bicycle, and that is not capable of providing assistance when the
bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour.
A “class 3 electric bicycle,”
or “speed pedal-assisted electric bicycle,” is a
bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is
pedaling, (no throttle) and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle
reaches the speed of 28 miles per hour and equipped with a speedometer.
Local government ordinances are allowed to permit or ban any class of electric
bicycles on dedicated bicycle paths and trails, with Class 1 & 2 permitted, and Class
3 banned, by default
Laws vary in different states / countries. Please check your local regulations.
Here is a good resource of information in the US:
The Babymaker
| Owners Manual