(Middle or Bottom Media Baskets)
A-1504 (175g)
Hi-Capacity Ion Exchange Media. Opti-Carb’s mixture of ion-exchange and synthetic
organic removal resins, and research grade carbon combine to create a powerful
adsorbent water polishing media. Rapid reduction of dissolved organic matter, removal
of proteins before they break down into toxic compounds, elimination of odors and
discolorations can all be accomplished with Opti-Carb resulting in sparkling clear
aquarium water. Use as everyday filter media or for removal of specific toxic metals and
organic compounds.
Does not affect pH, KH and general hardness. Treats up to 189 L (50 US Gal.). For larger
tanks use multiple bags.
Formulated for reef aquariums, freshwater or marine environments.
Phosphate Remover
(Middle or Bottom Media Baskets)
A-1500 (150g)
Fluval Lab Series Phosphate Remover rapidly adsorbs large quantities of Phosphate,
silicate and dissolved organics without leaching adsorbed substances. Maintaining low
levels of phosphate will result in cleaner, healthier aquarium water while allowing
corals to efficiently absorb the calcium they require to grow and reproduce. Phosphate
Remover contains ferric oxide, an iron-based phosphate binder ideal for use in
aquarium filters.
150g removes up to 20 mg/L PPM of phosphate in a 50 U.S. Gal. (189 L) aquarium.
Will not affect pH or hardness.
For freshwater and marine environments.
Nitrate Remover
(Middle or Bottom Media Baskets)
A-1502 (150g)
Fluval Lab Series Nitrate Remover is a high capacity laboratory developed ion exchange
resin. Developed from a pure high grade strong base anion exchange resin, Nitrate
Remover rapidly and selectively removes nitrate and eliminates toxic nitrite in a matter
of hours, resulting in a healthy environment for your fish.
• Safe for fish, plants and invertebrates
• Will not affect pH or hardness
• Does not contain phosphates
Resin can be recharged several times. Removes up to 25 mg/L (ppm) of nitrate in a 50
U.S. Gal. (189 L) aquarium.
For freshwater use only.