Connect it directly to the input of the counter.
Check that the counter is operating correctly.
If you don’t have a calibrated signal-source
Use either of the following methods
Method 1
Connect the output of the signal-source directly to the
input of the counter.
Turn off AUTO and Set the counter to maximum sensi-
tivity (if adjustable).
Adjust the amplitude of the signal-source to the mini-
mum level accepted by the counter.
Disconnect the cable from the counter and connect it to
the oscilloscope.
Read the amplitude on the oscilloscope.
Check that the reading is the same as, or less than,
the sensitivity level in the counter specifications.
Method 2
Connect the signal-source to the oscilloscope.
Adjust the output amplitude of the signal-source until
the oscilloscope indicates the sensitivity limit in the
counter specifications.
Disconnect the cable from the oscilloscope and con-
nect it to the counter.
Set the counter to maximum sensitivity (if adjustable).
Check that the counter is operating correctly.
These procedures ensure unambiguous measurements
of the signal voltage at the input of the counter.
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