Fluke CopperPro 990 Quick Start Manual Download Page 2

Measuring loop resistance.

Select the 

POTS Toolbox

. Highlight 

Shorts & Grounds

. Select 


and set cable

gauge and temperature. Use the               keys to highlight the set up. Select Edit to
change the entry. Press         to save. Short far end of the tip and ring conductors
using the strapping cord. Then press       . Calculate resistive length by selecting 


to Distance


Convert to Distance

and the loop length will be displayed.

Getting help.

You can get help for any test by highlighting the test and pressing the         key.

Zeroing the test leads.

Select User Options by pressing the yellow      key, then the        key. Use the arrow
keys to highlight Zero Test Leads and press         and follow instructions.

Setting date and time.

Select User Options by pressing the yellow      key, then the        key. Use the arrow
keys to highlight Time/Date and press         . Highlight field to change with cursor
keys. Press Edit soft key to enter edit mode, and         to save.

Adding phone numbers to the dialer.

Select User Options by pressing the yellow      key, then the         key. Use the arrow
keys to highlight 

Phone Numbers

and press         . Use the arrow keys to select a

blank line. Select 


and enter the digits to dial. Press          to save.

Saving test results.

Text results are automatically saved by default. Graphic results such as TDR plots,
slopes and noise graphs offer the option to save by pressing         . Enter a descrip-
tion in the 



Viewing stored test results.

Press the          key. Choose the type of results you want to view. See the Users Guide
for more information about printing or uploading results to a computer.

Using the yellow shift key.

CopperPro functions that are used infrequently are accessed through 



These include 


Print Screen


User Options




controls. The shift key is the yellow       key in the lower right corner of the keypad.
The shift function is sticky – that means you don’t have to hold down the shift key as
you press the next key. The function will stay active until you press the shift key again.

Using the dial set.

Connect the 990 to an active phone line. Press the       key to go off-hook. Select
Phone Numbers menu to access stored numbers, or dial phone number manually. When
you are done with the call, press the       key again to go on-hook.

Determining which version of software 
is installed.

Select User Options by pressing the yellow       key, then the         key. Use the arrow
keys to highlight 

System Version

and press          . Software version and as other

details are displayed.

Clearing a locked up CopperPro.

If for some reason your CopperPro is not responding, press and hold the green
power button for at least six seconds. The CopperPro will reset and restart.

Locating Caller ID tests.

Select the POTS Toolbox and highlight Dial-up Tests and press         . 




Call Wtg Caller ID

tests menus will be displayed.


Turn on the display backlight by pressing the       key. The backlight is low 
power to maximize battery life. It is not very noticeable in bright light, 
but does provide ample light to view the display in the dark.

Changing speaker volume.

Press the yellow      shift key. Use the        to increase volume, and the  
to decrease volume.

Changing display contrast.

Press the yellow      shift key. Use      to decrease contrast, and the  
to increase contrast.

Setting the POTS Auto-Test for active 
or inactive lines.

CopperPro will determine the state of the line automatically and run the appropriate
tests for either condition. 

Software version 2.21 or greater.

Getting the latest software.

The latest software is available from the web. Go to


and choose

Software Downloads. See the Users Guide for details 
on installing new software.




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©2003 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. 
Printed in U.S.A. 6/2003 2091615 B-ENG-N Rev A 



