2. When measuring higher than ambient temperatures,
adjust the connection between the probe and the
surface until you get the highest temperature reading.
To ensure a good connection, see the suggestions
3. When measuring lower than ambient temperatures,
adjust the connection between the probe and the
surface until you obtain the lowest temperature
reading. To ensure a good connection, see the
suggestions above.
4. When measuring near ambient temperatures, make
the reading when the multimeter when the multimeter
read-out is most stable.
With no heat or cold applied to the probe, the measuring
instrument should display the ambient temperature. If the
measuring instrument does not read out properly, try the
1. Verify that the temperature-measuring instrument is
designed to be used with Type K thermocouples. The
temperature-measuring instrument should have a
yellow input connector and / or be marked with a “K”.
2. Check for an open circuit indicator on the measuring
instrument. Some temperature measuring instruments
have a built-in circuit to indicate if the connected
probe is open. (All Fluke Temperature-measuring
instruments have this feature.) Refer to the owner’s
manual accompanying the measuring instrument to
see if this feature is available.
3. Short the two input pins of the measuring instrument
with a piece of wire. If the instrument is functioning, it
should indicate the ambient temperature.
4. If you suspect a broken connection, use an ordinary
ohmmeter to read the continuity of the measuring
instrument from pin to pin. The ohmmeter should read
20 ohms or less if there is continuity.
Scale Conversions
Use the following equation to convert
C to
C x 1.8) + 32 =
Use the following equation to convert
F to
F –32) x 0.5556 =