you install the software
you must connect the unit with the PC to
confi gure the USB interface.
Proceed as follows:
Connect the unit to the PC via USB. New Hard-
ware will be found. You have to install three
different device drivers - two for USB ports and
one for the camera. A driver is software needed
by your PC to communicate with the thermome-
ter and the camera. You will be asked three times
to install a driver.
During the driver installation, a message
window could appear, indicating that a particular
driver is not supported or authorized by Micro-
soft. Please ignore this message and continue
with the installation.
The Windows Hardware Assistant will guide you
through the installation process. If you are asked
where to look for the drivers choose CD-ROM. In
most cases, Windows will fi nd the drivers auto-
matically. If Windows asks for the fi le STV680u.
dll please point to the driver‘s folder of the CD.
Hardware and Software Setup