6 Making measurements
6.1 Introduction
The Super-Thermometer has been designed to allow quick and easy measurement setup while providing flex-
ible measurement options. A measurement setup varies with the type of measurement being performed. The
purpose of the following sections is to guide the user through the setup of typical measurements. Refer to the
Technical Guide for more detailed information concerning measurement setup.
6.2 Temperature measurement
The following are the steps for setting up and performing a temperature measurement:
1. Press and hold the EXIT key to go to the Measurement screen.
2. If necessary, suspend measurement by pressing the START/STOP MEASUREMENT (F1) function key
located in the Measurement screen.
3. Connect a temperature probe to one of the measurement input channels.
4. Press the SETUP key to open the channel setup screen. Use the Up/Down arrow keys to highlight the
channel where the probe is connected. Scanner channels, if available, are identified with a S1 (scanner
1) or a S2 (scanner 2) prefix added to the channel number.
5. Once the channel is highlighted, use the following steps to assign a probe definition to the selected
a. Select the ASSIGN PROBE (F1) function key to open the Probe Library.
b. Scroll through the list of probe definitions using the Up/Down arrow keys. If the desired probe
definition has not been previously entered, select ADD PROBE (F1) to begin the process
of creating a probe definition (see the Probe Menu section in the Technical Guide for more
c. When the desired probe definition is highlighted, press the ENTER key to assign the selected
probe definition to the highlighted channel.
6. Select the CHANNEL SETTINGS (F2) function key to configure the measurement channel. Use the
following steps to configure the channel:
a. Select the desired reference resistor (Rs) to be used for the measurement. Use Table 12 on the
next page as a guide for the selection.
b. Verify the correct sensing current has been selected.
c. Determine whether standby current (used to self-heat the probe sensor when channel is not
being measured) is to be On or Off.
d. Select the desired measurement calculation. The options are RESISTANCE (to output the
probe’s resistance only), RATIO (to output the ratio of the probe’s resistance versus the
reference resistor), and TEMPERATURE (only if calibration coefficients were entered in the
probe definition).
e. Press the EXIT key to move back to the Channel Setup screen.
7. If the desired measurement channel is set to Off, use the On/Off (F3) function key to toggle the channel
to On.
8. If necessary, select the MEASURE MENU (F4) function key to configure settings such as channel
scanning, measurement timing, digital filter settings, measurement recording, and zero-power
measurement. Otherwise, press the EXIT key twice (or press and hold the EXIT key) to go to the
Measurement screen.
9. In the Measurement screen, select the START MEASURE (F1) function key to start measurement
After measurement has started, use the SHOW TABLE/GRAPH (F2) function key to toggle between a mea-
surement data table screen and a data graph screen. All other measurement options and settings are explained
in full detail in the Technical Guide.