Viron e-Quilibirum Series Chlorinator Instructions V07-20
The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision. Please ensure that young
children are supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Controller must be installed according to AS 3000 wiring rules.
If the supply cord is damaged it must be replaced by AstralPool or its service agent or a similar qualified person in
order to avoid a hazard.
This product is NOT suitable for use on Spa Pools UNLESS the OPTIONAL pH sensor has been purchased
and installed.
When used on Spa Pool applications, AstralPool strongly recommend the purchase and installation of a
chlorine sensor in addition to the pH sensor.
This product is NOT suitable for use on Indoor swimming pools UNLESS the pH and Chlorine sensors have
been purchased and installed.
The Viron e-Quilibrium can only be purchased through a professional pool business and MUST be installed
by that dealer.
Dose pool with a small amount of chlorine before starting the eQ. If no chlorine is sensed the eQ may go to
fail safe mode and not start up. Some Chlorine should be present before starting the unit.
Take extreme care when handling the pH adjuster which is either sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid. Wear
gloves, eye protection and breathing protection.
Before installing probes, balance pool water. Total Alkalinity (TA) must be 80 to 120 ppm, Calcium Hardness
should be 180 to 250 ppm, and pH must be between 7.2 and 7.6.
Cyanuric Acid, sometimes referred to as stabiliser or sunscreen will suppress the Chlorine (ORP) reading
when the Chlorine sensor is connected. Refer to section on setting chlorine levels if Cyanuric Acid is present in
your pool.
Product is designed to run
with ACID
diluted to
water to acid ratio of 2:1 should always be followed as the
machines dosing rate is formulated around the diluted solution. Using neat acid can lead to overdosing the pH level.