INSTALLING FLOWMASS: Flowmass is slightly tapered with more material on one end—
make sure the heavier end is installed at the
far end of your prop, where it counts
Adding mass to a crystal case: Thread the leash through the mass. Hold leash with one
hand and pull the mass along the length of the case with your other hand until the mass is
in place. If this is difficult, try hooking your leash onto a doorknob or other secure object.
Do not lubricate mass, as this can cause it to slip off.
Positioning the mass on a crystal case: There is a circular symbol on the mass that should
align with the button facet on the crystal case, which also aligns with the flowlight button.
This allows you to feel for the button from the outside, and creates the most aesthetically
perfect positioning of the mass with respect to the crystal case.
Adding mass to tubes:
Apply a little bit of vaseline/petroleum jelly to the inside surface of
the mass and slide the tube through it. Ensure there is enough clearance at the top for your
flowcaps to click in properly and securely.
Tips for using the staff connectors:
1. Rub the connectors and inside of the tube with your fingers, the natural oils from your hands
will lubricate the connectors and tube just enough to make for a smooth fit.
2. if you twist it one way and it seems tight, don’t force it. Twist it the other way and see if it’s
supposed to release that way instead.
3. Avoid having sand/grit fall between the connector and the tube. Clean as needed.
• To attach, insert the staff connector into a tube, twist until connector buttons click
into the holes securely.
• To detach, twist the tubes in opposite directions to disengage the buttons from
the holes then pull.
The buttons are directional
twisting one way will release one half of the connec-
tor, while twisting the other way releases the other half. Try not to twist them out
the wrong way as this can weaken or break the part.
• Remove the o-rings from the leash-port (battery side) of two capsules.
• Pry open one shell enough to insert the link then reinstall the O-ring.
• Roll the second capsule’s O-ring over the first’s, then connect the second capsule to
the link and roll the O-ring onto it. It is also possible to install and remove the link by
prying and holding the capsule open with the O-rings in place - if you have strong
fingers! Only two capsules can be connected - both buttons should face out.
Compatibility: Capsule links are only compatible with capsule shells since mid 2013.
Some older versions do not separate in a way that would allow this link to work prop-
erly. Please check our web support page for details. If your capsule is not compatible,
contact us at [email protected].
CONNECTING FLOWLIGHT TO FLOWLIGHT: If you have two or more flowlights in
one tube, you will need to attach the opposite ends of the flowlight to each other for
the lights to fit properly, and slide in and out of the tubes properly.
Be sure to click them together and apart sideways (laterally as shown in the picture),
NOT up and down in the direction of the pivot (vertically), as this can cause splitting
at the seam and loosen the connection.