Flowtoys FLOWLIGHT-FS Optimization Manual Download Page 2


Your flowlight-FS has a large variety of modes and features enabling 

infinite unique patterns, and effects. We’ve organized them into 4 pages 

of modes to keep it easy to navigate with a few types of button presses.


Click:  0.3 seconds or less. A quick click, like a computer-mouse click. 

Multiple clicks, like a double-click on a computer mouse, will access 

different pages - 2 clicks for page 2, 3 clicks for page 3, and so on. You 

may discover this by accident by trying to cycle through the modes too 

quickly, and find a mode you’ve never seen!
Press:  0.3-0.75 seconds. The classic button-press, this is what feels  

“normal” to most people.
Long-press: 0.75-1.5 seconds. An indicator flash lets you know you can 

let go. This puts you into the “adjust” state to adjust the mode you are in.
Hold: 1.5 seconds or more. If the light is on, it will turn off, it will also 

remember your mode and any adjustments you might have made to it. 

When you press the button again, it returns to where you were. If it is off, 

it will display its battery’s life estimate, then turn back off.
Save: 3.5 seconds. If you continue holding past “off”, the pattern will be 

saved to the Favorites page and the light will turn back on.


The flowlight-FS has 4 pages, each with 10 modes.

Page 1: classics

1 click or press of the button from “off” brings you to page 1 mode 1 (p1m1). “Rainbow” the first of the 

“classic modes like bold, fire, water and other elemental modes. The last mode on this page (p1m10) is a 

new instant-classic: pulse, which responds to your moves, like stalls, bumps and wraps.



 Rainbow drops 









Page 2: party

Click the button quickly 2x - you’ll see the indicator flash 2x to let you know you’re now on page 2.  

Subsequent presses take you through the 10 modes in that page, and each mode is adjustable. This 

page celebrates all that is fun and festive - it’s where you’ll find much-loved modes like candy, petals, 

and microdots, and cult-favorites like watermelon, freedom, and solar-flare. 


 Candy • Petals • Love • Watermelon • Freedom • Microdots • Unicorn • Blue blazer •  Solar flare • Strobe

Page 3: perform

3 quick clicks takes you to page 3. The indicator flashes 3 times and you’re now ready to perform. These 

modes are superbright, and battery life is the last thing on your mind. This page contains all the modes, 

with their full power unleashed. Just press the button to cyle through them, but be warned: the  

brightest ones may drain your battery in under an hour!

Modes: Flamebow • Alicorn • Liquid sugar • Rainbow dash • Fireball • Froth • Jammin • Bolder • Sunset • Daybreak

Page 4: favorites

4 quick clicks takes you to page 4 “favorites”. Here you’ll see your most recently saved pattern. You can 

select from your last 10 saved patterns by pressing the button to cycle through them. You can save any 

mode and adjustments you make to it by holding down the button until the light turns off and turns 

back on. This will also save a copy of any mode/pattern in Favorites to slot 1 (p4m4). You can use this to 

re-order your favorite modes without adjusting them! 


3 superbright LEDs

advanced micro-controller

single button, easy use

voltage regulator

color indicator

100% optical shell, 

durable polycarbonate
no tools battery door

rechargeable AAA cell*

custon battery spring

easy attachment points

State-of-the-art, latest 

technologies, design, 

versatile, attractive, 

easy-to-use, intuitive, 

sustainble alternative to 

chemical glowsticks.

Designed from the 

ground up with great  

engineering, awesome 

design, good taste and 



37g w/ battery

23 mm

130 mm

Take me home!

To get back to page 1 from any other page, press the button to cycle through the modes until 

the light turns off. A single click or press will bring you back to the beginning: page 1 mode 1.

Note: If you press too quickly (less than 0.3 sec. each) it might register as a “click” and change 

what page you are in. if this is happening just go slightly slower :)

Tip: 5 quick clicks or more will take you to page 1 mode 1 instantly.


Every mode has 1 parameter that can be adjusted. In most cases it’s the color/hue, in others 

it’s the speed/density of the pattern, or the brightness. To put a mode into its adjust state, do a 

long-press (hold for more than 0.75 sec., let go when the indicator flashes). The mode will then 

cycle slowly through its adjustment. When you see what you like, a button press will stop the 

adjust cycle, selecting that adjustment.


The battery door is integrated into the unique design of the body, spreads light around the 

battery and can be removed without tools. However it can be tricky to open, like a puzzle-box 

;) Basically there is a tiny “latch” inside near the button that needs to be released. There is a 

slight lip at the tip of the door near the button and the lip needs to go down towards  

battery, and forwards towards the head/button to release the latch. 

You should be able to do this with your thumb. but if it’s dirty or stuck you may need to use a 

hard object like a battery, or the tail of another flowlight works really well, to push down and 

forwards on the tip of the door. Do not push on the main body of the door itself – this will 

prevent it from unlatching. Don’t worry, you WON’T break it! 

Once you have released the battery door, you can pull the door firmly to separate the door 

from the light and access the battery compartment. Visit flowtoys.com for video instructions, 

or email [email protected] if you have any questions.

Inserting and removing the battery

The positive end of the battery (pointy end) points to the head of the flowlight (pointy end). 

Push the battery forwards and down. The springs are quite firm so push hard.

There is a transparent pull-tab in the battery compartment – make sure it’s not blocking the 

contacts and that it goes under the battery for easy removal. A very firm tap on a table or other 

semi-hard object will also pop the battery out of the compartment.

Push the front lip of the door  

down and forwards towards the 

button firmly. The back of the door 

should pop out. It may help to use a 

small object like a battery or the end 

of another flowlight.

Pull the door out to access the 

battery compartment. The antenna 

are very strong and durable. You can 

pull hard to remove the door. This 

is normal.

To remove the battery, pull on the 

clear battery pull tab, or tap the tail 

of the flowlight firmly against a firm 

surface. Battery may be snug,

Insert battery “+” end first towards 

the pointy head of the light. Ensure 

clear tab is placed correctly. Push 

battery “-” end down. Insert antennae 

of battery door. Push door down and 

back to secure it. Power up & enjoy! 
