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Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611

3. If the pressure-balanced sleeve binds with the plug,

carefully lift the sleeve out with the actuator/plug
assembly. Place several sturdy, soft supports (pref-
erably wood) underneath the sleeve after it clears
the body. Lower the actuator/plug assembly until
the sleeve and the supports are resting on top of the

NOTE: The above procedure is designed to prevent
damage to the body should the sleeve fall during

To free the sleeve from the plug, apply air above the
actuator piston, extending the plug. This creates a
gap between the bonnet and sleeve. Insert wood
blocks of equal thickness in at least three positions
in this gap. Blocks should be at least 1-inch thick and
should be positioned so as to not interfere with the
plug head. Finally, retract the plug until the sleeve is
free of the plug.

4. If the sleeve has not been removed with the plug, lift

it out of the valve body.

5. Remove the seat ring and gaskets from the valve


6. If the plug is pressure-balanced, remove the plug


7. If necessary, the plug may be removed from the

actuator and bonnet in accordance with the basic
valve instructions.

Reassembling CavControl Trim

When reassembling valves with CavControl trim, refer
to either Figure 1 or 2 and proceed as follows:

1. Install new bonnet and seat ring gaskets.

2. Reinstall seat ring and sleeve.

3. For pressure-balanced trim, install a new sleeve

gasket on sleeve and new plug seals on plug head.

Figure 1: Unbalanced CavControl Trim

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the item numbers on the bill of material; refer to it for specific part numbers.

Bonnet Flange Bolting

(Item No. 108/114)

Bonnet Gasket

(Item No. 58)


(Item No. 30)

Seat Ring

(Item No. 20)

Seat Gasket

(Item No. 55)


(Item No. 1)


(Item No. 40)

Bonnet Flange

(Item No. 70)


(Item No. 50)
