Turn on the power for level switch NRS -42.
Check whether the level electrode NRG 6-42 and the associated level switch NRS -42 have been
wired according to the wiring diagram.
Fig. 11
Check wiring
Apply mains voltage
During operation the level switch detects the level electrode via CAN bus.
The communication via CAN bus is faultless – there are no fault messages.
Level electrode with CAN bus
To analyse and eliminate malfunctions refer to “Fault finding list for troubleshooting” on
pages 2 - 22.
Fault finding list for troubleshooting
In spite of correct wiring and commissioning of the equipment an interference signal
is indicated.
The interference signal is caused by H. F. interferences coming from the installation. For
interference suppression of the voltage supply we supply ferrite rings, stock code 47253.
The 230 V supply lines should be looped through the ferrite ring five to ten times.
If several controllers are used in the system, they can be fed from the interference
suppressed supply lines. For the interference suppression of the bus line we supply
hinged-shell ferrite rings, stock code 47254. The hinged-shell ferrite rings are clamped
onto the bus line close to the terminal strip of the controller.
Equipment fails to work – Indication of a malfunction