2 x Flow Super side panels
with observation windows
1 x Flow Super front panel
1 x metal bracing strip
1 x Flow Key access cover
1 x rear fixed panel
1 x rear window cover
1 x rear window latch
4 x acrylic frame spacers
1. To attach the acrylic frame spacers to the left and
right side panels, remove the plastic film and line up
with the pilot holes on the inside ends of the super
side panels.
2. Affix spacers (Phillips head driver bit and the frame
spacer screws).
• Face countersink bevel outwards to house screw
3. Dry fit the 2 super side panels, super front panel and
rear fixed panel together as shown.
• If finger joints are tight due to expansion or
contraction, use the sandpaper (supplied) to adjust.
• Make sure the 6 pilot holes surrounding the window
face the inside of the box.
• Do not screw the rear window cover in place as
this piece will be used to gain access to the Flow
4. Hold the finger joints tightly together (clamp optional)
and use the assembly tool (square drive bit and square
drive screws) to secure through the pilot holes. Take
care to stop when the head is flush with the wood
If using a drill, be careful not to overtighten
or the wood may split
5. To affix the metal bracing strip, turn the super upside
down. Align the metal strip with the notch on the
bottom of the side panels. Screw in to place using the
assembly tool (Phillips head driver bit and two metal
bracing strip screws) Optional: Pre-drilling may avoid
splitting the wood.
Note: You may wish to apply a suitable timber finish before
installing windows and latches
6. Remove protective plastic film from both sides of
the observation windows and line up with the 6 pilot
holes. Attach the acrylic windows (using the Phillips
head driver bit and window screws) to the inside of
the box.
Do not use a drill for this step as it is easy to
overtighten and crack the acrylic window)
7. Affix the 2 brass L screws into the pilot holes (by
hand) on either side of the observation window on the
outside of the box. Wind in until they almost scrape on
the external box side.
8. Locate the 2 observation window covers and 2 brass
knobs. Affix the knob using the brass knob screw and
tighten by hand until the head of screw is flush with
the wood. You can now put the window covers in
place using the brass L screws to secure them.
9. Place a spring onto the rear window latch screw and
use the screw to affix (Phillips head drive bit) the rear
window latch onto the rear fixed panel of the super at
the pilot hole. The spring will prevent over-tightening
of the screw and allow this latch to move easily.
10. Place the Flow Key access cover above the rear fixed
panel, and turn the rear window latch to secure it in
to place.
11. When you install your Flow Super make sure to place
the queen excluder between the brood box and super
(see establishing colony configuration pg.16). We have
plenty of resources online to help give guidance on
when to add your Flow Super.
2 x springs
3 x brass knob screws
3 x brass knobs
21 x square drive screws
2 x observation windows
2 x window covers
4 x brass L screws
21 x window/
frame spacer screws
1 x rear window latch screw
2 x metal strip screws
Do not
screw this
cover in