11. How to Perform a Treatment Session
• Ensure your forehead is free from any makeup or hair
products before you start.
• If you have a fringe, it is recommended that you use a hair
tie to remove it from your forehead.
• Take out the headset from the box.
• Press the button on the headset and make sure it blinks
twice. If not, charge the headset.
• Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your smartphone.
• Start the Flow app and log in with the email address &
password you chose in section 9 above.
• Select the next session in the app and press “Start” to start
the session. Note that how often you can use the headset is
restricted per week and day.
• Follow the instructions given by the virtual therapist in the
• When told to, follow the instructions on how to prepare the
headset, as below:
Take a new pair of Headset
Pads from the pouch.
Attach them to the electrodes
using the Pad Holder Rings.
Adjust the length of
the metal arch by
sliding the back piece.
The end of the arch
should sit comfortably on
the back of your head.
Make sure the headset does not sit too low.
The app shows you how to correctly position the
headset using the camera on your device.
Before starting the stimulation, you can press and hold the “Tingle”
button in the app to test how the stimulation feels. Hold the
“Tingle” button for at least 10 seconds.
Start the stimulation by pressing the “Start stimulation” button in
the app.