Manual Prestige Avoriaz i - 69
4. Use
Display Values
Your elapsed or remaining time depending on the setting.
Your current speed in KPH.
Your current Rotations Per Minute.
The RPM value is displayed in a chart on the left side of
the screen above the speed value.
Your elapsed or remaining distance depending on the setting.
An indication of you burned calories.
Display of your heart rate in BPM (Beats Per Minute). This
value is only visible by holding the hand pulse sensors in the
handlebar. The PULSE value is also displayed in a chart on the
right side of the screen.
The current output in WATT.
Power up
Connect the adapter to the crosstrainer and outlet for powering up the screen as
displayed below. When powering up the computer will give a sound signal.
Setup user profile
Your able to setup four different user profiles. After powering up you can select
between U1-U4 with the selection knob. Confirm your selection by pressing the
selection knob. User specific values like Gender, Age (A), Height (H), and Weight (W)
can be setup.
The data in the user profile will be used for the Recovery and Body Fat test. The data
is also used in calculating your maximum heart rate for the heart rate controlled
programs. Therefore it is important to fill out the user profile date correctly. For every
user profile it is also possible to save one user program.
Choose program
After selecting the user profile you will enter the main menu. In this menu you have
the following options.