Air Release Valves
Installation Instructions
Model Maxiair® ½” thru 6”
Flomatic Corporation
Flomatic Corp, 15 Pruyn’s Island, Glens Falls, New York 12801
Phone: 518-761-9797 Fax: 518-761-9798 www.flomatic.com
Rev. D
Flomatic Maxiair
valves are designed to release air from the system while it filling and allow air to
enter the system during shut down or if there is a break in the line. When water enters the valve the
float rises and closes the orifice. When the fluid level drops the float also drops away from the
orifice and allows air to enter the system to prevent possible damage.
NOTE: These valves are designed for use on clean water systems. Using them on systems
other than water is not recommended. Consult factory for special applications.
Installation must be performed by qualified, licensed personnel only.
Remove all plastic protection plugs that are covering inlet and outlet threads.
The Flomatic Maxiair
should be installed at the high points in the system in a vertical position
above the water main. If they are not installed directly over the water main, the inlet piping to the
valve should always be angled upwards towards the valve with the valve being vertical. To facilitate
servicing and repairs it is strongly recommended that an isolation valve be installed on the inlet side
of the valve. Proper supports for the valve and piping are required as needed.
These valves should never be buried. In warm climate areas installing them above grade is
acceptable as long as precautions are taken to keep people away from them and protect them from
being tampered with (these precautions should be determined by the project engineer). Freeze
protection is a necessity in colder areas. Manholes should be adequately sized to allow safe access
to the valve by service personnel.
The Maxiair
requires no scheduled maintenance, but should be inspected periodically for leakage
in the orifice area on top. If the valve is found to be leaking maintenance is required.
Disassembly / Reassembly:
The Maxiair
can be disassembled without removing it from the line. No special tools are required
and all work should be performed by qualified, licensed personnel.
Close isolation valve on the inlet of the valve or shut system down if there isn’t a valve.
Be sure system pressure is relieved.
Remove bolts (#7) and lift off flange (#2) off.
Examine float (#6) for damage. Replace is there is any wear or damage.
Examine seat area (underside of cover) for wear or damage to the rubber seat (#5).
If the rubber seat is damaged, you will need to remove the top (#1) by first removing
the interference pin (#9) and then unscrew the top. Remove and replace the rubber
seat and then reassemble the top flange assembly.
Clean the flange surfaces, use new flange gasket (#4), install float in valve and
reinstall top flange assembly.
Put valve back in service and check for leaks.