1. Download Tuya Smart from
Download or scan the QR code and install the Tuya Smart App for either iOS or Android. Once downloaded, the
app will ask you to register your device. Enter your phone number or email which one makes you feel comfortable
and select the country you live in. If use phone you will receive a text with a registration code.
If you choose email you will then create a password.
Please note: there are two mode configurations (Quick Mode/Bluetooth Mode) available for you to choose from
to add the device to the app. Quick mode is recommended.
Quick Mode Configuration (Common)
1. Make sure Quick Mode Configuration is initiated:
The indicator light blinks blue rapidly (twice per second). If it blinks blue slowly (once every 3seconds), press and
hold the power button on the Smart Star Projector for 6 seconds until the indicator light blinks rapidly.
2.Tap the icon "+" on the top right, choose any device type and enter into "Add Device".
Please remember to choose the fast blinking.