Setting the Clock (See Figure 3-5)
One Hour Increments
1.) To increment the clock by one hour without effecting the minutes or seconds, move the
BRT/DIM/1 HR UP switch to the 1 HR UP position and release. This sets the clock 1 hour
ahead for every time the switch is moved to this position and released.
Minor Time Corrections
1.) The switch marked SET is a momentary switch used for minor time corrections. Hold the
switch in the UP position to increment the seconds. Holding this switch in the UP position
runs the clock at a rate of one second fast for every second it is held.
2.) Hold the switch in the D position to decrement the seconds. Holding this switch in the D
position runs the clock at a rate of one second slow for every second it is held.
3.) During the time the clock is being set UP or DOWN, the Elapse Time still continues to
operate normally.
1HR up
Set Switch for
Minor time
Figure 3-5. Clock Operation - Setting the Clock
TM-3-B 737-IOS1-007
Operation (NT IOS)
B 737
JAN 2001