Q: When using the internal intercom (ICS) for flight instruction, our ICS conversation is muted
each time there is radio chatter on the FL-760A. Is there a way to turn this muting off, or
reverse the priority so that radio chatter is muted when ICS audio is detected?
The short answer is no. Right now, the FL-760A is programmed to give ATC radio calls priority
over intercom communication inside the aircraft. We understand that in a flight instructing
environment, the opposite would be desirable. We are working with FlightLine engineering to see
if a feature enhancement is possible to make that priority selectable – either ATC Priority or ICS
Priority. We will keep you posted.
Q: The internal two place intercom (ICS) is turned on and creates noise when the cabin noise
level increases on takeoff or cruise. I turn the Squelch knob on the face of the radio but that
doesn’t fix it.
First of all, the concentric Squelch and Volume knobs on the face of the radio control the
loudness and the squelch threshold for the radio receiver and have no control at all over the ICS
squelch or volume.
What is happening in this case is your internal ICS is set for VOX (voice) activation and the
threshold is set too low. The VOX ICS is being triggered by the rise in ambient cabin noise when
you increase power for takeoff or cruise. This opens the ICS squelch, activating the intercom; that
makes the headset mics go “live” and the background cabin noise is amplified and heard in your
Both the volume and the VOX threshold for the ICS are adjusted in the Setup Mode and this is
covered in Section 6.6 User Settings on Pages 10 & 11 of the Operations Manual. The fix here is
to go into Setup Mode and find the screen that pertains to the VOX setting. The control range is 0
24 and factory default is 12. This will be another trial and error adjustment. Try setting it at 20.
If the ICS squelch still opens at takeoff or in cruise, take the setting higher. If the squelch remains
closed, but when you try to speak over the intercom, the first syllable of the first word is cut off,
or you find yourself speaking louder to trigger the squelch to open, roll it back a couple of
numbers. You need to find the ICS VOX Squelch “sweet spot” for your aircraft.
The volume adjustment for the ICS/Sidetone level was covered in an earlier question.
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