fig.8: Jacks.
fig.7: Effect of Size control.
SIN-E v1.0 manual Mar. 2022 — p.4/6
Size: Post-effect gain, the amplitude of the output signal. CW to increase,
CCW to decrease.
The jacks are linked to their associated control
knob (if any) by the Sneks. All hail Snek.
Signal Input
Feed: Signal input, either AC or DC. Level
adjusted (0-100%) by the
CV Input
Sin: CV Version of
control knob. Positive
increases rounding, negative decreases rounding.
Knob and CV levels are summed.
Waver: CV version of
control knob.
Positive applies positive bias, negative applies
negative bias. Knob and CV levels are summed.
Size: CV version of
knob. Positive increases gain, negative decreases
gain. Knob and CV levels are summed.
Usage note: Some compromises occur when trying to maximize options for
user control. One such situation: With control knobs and CV inputs, when both
are used, when one is towards either extreme, the other will have less effect.
Example: Negative signal at Sin CV input has little to no effect with Sin control
fully CW. Whichever control is most extreme takes priority over the other. Just
nudge whichever is largest back a bit to increase the range of the smaller.
Spread: Signal out. Led indicates bias of output relative to 0V; red for
positive, green for negative.
Output coupling
DC-AC: Selects if out put is DC- or AC-coupled. Lever up for DC, which will