1) Connect the radio to the RF INPUT on the PG XL. (A or B port)
2) Connect the antenna to the corresponding RF OUTPUT on PG XL.
3) Connect the radios PTT to the corresponding PTT input connector on PG XL.
4) Connect the radios band data to PG XL. This can be done in one of 3 ways, depending
on the exact model of the radio you will be using:
(a) Using a band decoder (BCD or PTP protocol, depending on the radio you are
This connection requires no additional configuration and works automatically.
The BCD/PTP connection has the highest priority, and will ignore other connections
if they exist.
(b) Using RS232 for connecting radios CAT information. (Kenwood, Yaesu, Elecraft,
ICOM 7800)
Configure the CAT protocol details using the PG XL Windows app.
(c) CI-V connection for older ICOM radios.
Configure the CI-V protocol details using the PG XL Windows app.
After connecting everything use the supplied power cable to connect PG XL to the power
Upon powering up, the display will show the loading screen, and the device will go to stand by
Before transmitting:
1) Press the OPERATE button front panel.
This will activate the operate mode, and measuring bars will appear on the display. You
can also see the OPERATE label in the bottom left corner of the screen.