User Manual
The person in charge of the operation must determine the sequence and embarkation
position of each passenger, towards a better load distribution. Such procedure
maximizes comfort during transportation.
The person in charge of the operation must authorize the start of the operation after all
passengers are safe and accommodated.
6.5 Landing
The transfer baskets are equipped with guide cables, so that the personnel at the landing
point can assist the crane operator to land at the specified location.
Passengers must disembark, together with their carry-on baggage, at the time the person
in charge of the maneuver determines.
6.5 Communication
All parties involved in the operation must have continuous radio communication in a
range released for other uses. Provide at least one extra radio frequency range for use
in case of emergency.
7.5 Preparation for transport with stretcher
The APOLLO-6 personnel transfer basket was designed
for patients’ transfer on a
stretcher and their companions. To such, before operation, remove two contiguous
lateral floaters from their inner position and reposition in the outer of the equipment.
Depending on the training of the on-board crew, this operation is relatively simple and
quick, loosen 2 screws of the locking catch, reposition the floating and tighten back the
2 fastening screws