PD22I / PD22P
PD22IP IH EN 74-125-102 v1.04
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Programming principle
In the following, a parameter will be the value of a single function, i.e. volume, tube diameter
or velocity. A program will be a complete set of parameters which together will constitute the
PD22 work instructions.
The actual programming will be made on the MC12 and reference is made to the MC12
PD22 parameters
1. Volume
Value: ml
Range: 10 - 9999 ml
PD22 can dispense from 10 to 9999 ml, but for volumes exceeding approx. 1000 ml, the
capacity will drop significantly.
If the volume is changed, a recalibration should be made.
2. Tubes
Value: Inside diameter (i.d.) in mm
Range: 3.0 - 5.0 - 6.5 - 8.5 - 10.0 - 12.5
If the tube is changed, a new calibration must always be made.
3. Velocity
Value: Revolutions per minute (rpm)
Range: 30 - 250 rpm
If the velocity is changed, a recalibration should be made.
4. Acceleration/deceleration
Value: An integral number
Range: 1 - 100
The acceleration and the deceleration will always be the same. The lowest value (1) will give
the slowest acceleration, and the highest value (100) will give the fastest acceleration.
If the acceleration is changed, a recalibration should be made.
5. Reversing (back suction)
Value: An integral number
Range: 0 - 10
If the rotor is moved a little backwards (reversing) after the completion of fillings, a minor
back suction will be created. This can prevent dripping from the filling needle.
The value "0" will give no reversing, but the value "10" will give maximum reversing.
ALWAYS make a recalibration if the reversing value is altered.
For other programming possibilities, reference is made to the MC12 manual.