Clean Water Systems & Stores Inc 7000 Meter Greensand Filter Programming Guide 2010
Press the Extra Cycle button to save all settings and exit Master Programming Mode. Note that
the control valve may take several minutes to re-home and re-set after the Master Programming
steps, do not unplug the control during this process.
User Programming
It is all programmed now, but if you want to later, you can go into User Programming and make
adjustments to the flow meter setting or Day Override setting. Use the User Programming to avoid having
to go through the Master Programming for quick changes to these settings below:
1. Press the Up and Down buttons for five seconds while in service, and the time of day is NOT set
to 12:01 PM.
Day Override (Display Code DO): Set to 7 to 14
Regeneration Time (Display Code RT): Set to 2:00 am
generally or sometime when no water
is being used, and no other filter or softener is likely to be in a regeneration cycle. Press the Extra
Cycle button.
Feed Water Hardness:
Use this setting to adjust the feed water hardness. Set for 20 for most
applications. Press the Extra Cycle button.
Reserve Capacity (Display Code RC): This allows you some reserve, in case the
softener meter has counted down to zero at the beginning of the day.
Press the Extra Cycle
6. Press the Extra Cycle button to end User Programming Mode.
Diagnostic Programming Mode
Press the Up and Extra Cycle buttons for five seconds while in service. See the current flow rate in
gallons per minute currently flowing through your system! Press the UP button to go between the
diagnostic displays.
Abbreviation Parameter
Flow Rate
Displays the current outlet flow rate
Peak Flow Rate
Displays the highest flow rate last regeneration
Hours in Service
Displays the total hours that the unit has been in service