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› G e n e R a l R e F e R e n C e
Please take a moment to review this page in order
to familiarize yourself with these four ports on
the valve and the programming values below. It is
crucial not to mistake the inlet port with the outlet
port. Mistaking and reversing the inlet and outlet
ports will lead to failure of your softener system.
As you work through this guide, please make
sure to follow all instructions exactly and to make
special note of the bolded instructions and warn-
ing symbols.
PdF viewers may click underlined
text to jump to that page or the page number
in the bottom corner of every page to jump to
the table of contents.
All our installation guides
may be found on our site under “Information.”
d R a I n
B R I n e
› q u I C k s ta R t
To the right are the program settings for your softener.
If not all of the values are filled in, you can calcu-
late the missing values on pages 4 and 5 of this
There we will cover identifying the 3 essential
values of
H - HardneSS
c - UnIT caPacITY
BF - BrIne FIll
. The remaining values that are
already filled in are general standards for all softener
sizes and hardness levels.
MaSTer ProGraMMInG Mode:
To enter in/check
the adjacent values of your system, follow these steps:
With either the up or down arrow button, change the
clock to 12:01 PM, set the time by clicking the left-
most CYCLE / REGEN button, and then hold both the
up and down arrow buttons for 5 seconds to enter
master programming mode. Change values with the
arrow buttons and set each value and advance to the
next setting by clicking the CYCLE / REGEN button.
A more in-depth guide to programming the Fleck
5600 SXT is provided beginning on
o u t l e t
I n l e t
s e t t I n G
I n P u t Va l u e
DF - Display Format
GAL - Gallons
VT - Valve Type
CT - Control Type
Fd - Flow Delayed
NT - Number of Tanks
c - UnIT caPacITY
,000 Grains
H - HardneSS
Grains per Gallon
RS - Reserve Selection
SF - Safety Factor
DO - Day Override
14 Days
RT - Regen Time
2:00 AM
BW - Backwash
10 Minutes
BD - Brine Draw
60 Minutes
RR - Rapid Rinse
12 Minutes
BF - BrIne FIll
FM - Flow Meter Type
t0.7 or P0.7
FM - Flow Meter Type
Job Number:
Model Number:
Mineral Tank Size: