7. Activate the unit by pressing the “
” end of
the switch.
8. Turn on the Touch Panel by pressing the
small round black power button on the back
casing of the Touch Panel. There is also a
smaller power button between the casing
and the screen.
9. Most likely, settings on the Touch Panel will
need to be adjusted according to the
operator’s preference. Serving modes,
flavor timing, serving sizes, changing the
menu flavor names and more features are
outlined in the TOUCH PANEL
OPERATIONS MANUAL. For the initial set-
up, however, proceed with the rest of this
section before making those adjustments.
Installing Flavors and Priming Syrup Lines -
Each flavor for the Dual Series system is stored
inside a numbered syrup tray within the system
cabinet. Under normal operating conditions
flavors are installed as previous flavors are
emptied. However, you may change flavors
periodically as desired.
Since this system is split between two spouts, it
is important that the correct syrups are installed
into the correct trays. Follow these steps to
determine which flavors should be installed into
which trays.
1. Ensure your syrups are connected to the
desired spout.
Each syrup flavor is stored inside a
numbered tray (1-8) within the system
cabinet. The syrups in trays 1-4 are
typically connected to the first spout in your
setup. See that the 9-Tube Assembly Lead
“A” at the back of the unit is connected to
that spout. Lead “B” carries the syrups
from trays 5-8 to your other spout.
2. Ensure the correct syrup type is flavoring
the correct product type.
Check the label of the syrup you are
installing in each tray. The soft serve stripe,
soft serve blend and frozen beverage
syrups are each formulated to work
specifically with the product they are mixing
with and the Flavor Burst system they are
installed in. Color intensity, flavor intensity,
and whether or not they blend with the
product vary from each type. Therefore, a
soft serve striping syrup will not blend, taste
or look as well using a Flavor Blend or
frozen beverage system. Nor will a frozen
beverage syrup or a Flavor Blend syrup
hold a clean stripe on soft serve product.
Flavor Blend syrups are formulated to blend
more evenly and have a stronger flavor to
compensate for the thicker soft serve
product. Frozen beverage flavors do not
need the flavor or color intensity to mix with
the thinner frozen beverage products.