You have four different play back modes of the track:
The play back runs endless (auto reset).
START: Button PLAY, Trigger PLAY-Input or MIDI-START-command
RESET: Button PLAY, Trigger PLAY-Input
STOP: Button STOP+REC or MIDI-STOP-command
The play back runs once only and is stoped by end of the track.
START: Button PLAY, Trigger PLAY-Input or MIDI-START-command
STOP: End of sample, Button STOP+REC or MIDI-STOP-command
While hold down button PLAY or the GATE-input is high the play back runs endless.
START: Pressed key PLAY or PLAY-Input=high oder MIDI-START-command
STOP: Unpressed key PLAY or PLAY-Input=off or MIDI-STOP-command
Manually scan of the recorded sample with CV or movement of the pot. Internal or external
clock are disabled.
Voltage=zero (or the pot position min) are equivalent to the first value of the sample.
Voltage=max (or the pot position max) are equivalent to the last value of the sample.
It’s necessary to set the function of POT or CV-IN to SPEED !
The shorter the sample, the better the resolution of the play back.