Air Heating unit ACJB - Technical manual
FläktGroup DC_9170GB_20190117_R2
We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Figure 13. Replacement of cable on the control unit’s terminal block.
Figure 12. Junction box for cable from room temperature sensor.
If the old ACJ unit has a room temperature sensor, the sensor cannot
be used in the new ACJB unit. A new room temperature sensor (option-
al accessory) must be installed in the new unit.
1. Disconnect the unit from the power supply.
2. Remove the old room sensor.
3. Connect the room temperature sensor to the existing room temper-
ature cable from the old unit.
4. Connect the room temperature cable to the junction box on the
short side of the unit (see figure 12). First remove the protective
cover. Connect the ends of the cables, then reconnect the protective
5. On the control unit’s terminal block, replace the cable from the
temperature sensor
in the unit’s inlet with the cable coming out
of the junction box on the short side of the unit (the cable from the
new room temperature sensor) with the white marking
See figure 13.
6. Switch on the power to the unit.