Fitness Reality X CLASS 710 ST Owner'S Manual Download Page 1




















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Summary of Contents for X CLASS 710 ST

Page 1: ... er s manua y from this T SMA EEL E all instruct al for future photo and ART T ELLIPT tions caref e reference d subject to ECHN TICAL fully before e The spec o change w NOLO L TRA e using this cifications without not OGY AINER s product of this pro tice R Retain oduct ...

Page 2: ...O THE STORE STOP Contact customer service if you have any questions regarding assembly or proper operation of the machine Email us at Service paradigmhw com Or call us at 1 844 641 7920 Hours 8 00 am to 5 00 pm PST Daily STOP ARRÊT ALTO ...


Page 4: ...follow me umber umber umber mber Purchase d or defec ealth We Ave stry CA 91 R NORT tive produ ct our cus Service digmhw usiness D nformation mhw com Pacific S ary via cal wing inform e tive produ ellness In 1748 USA S TH AME uct quest stomer ser pleas w com Days n above w m Standard lling mation rea uct please c A 2 SERVIC ERICA O tions repl rvice depa se Ema will be the d Time D ady when e conta...

Page 5: ...L LABEL 3 PLACE EMENT TS ...

Page 6: ... t ment and co he equipme signed for ad the handleb point when s se both the m of 6 squa ausea dizz hysician be ht capac ginning an ple who ar structions nce 4 SAFETY ollowed in he guidelin your muscle maged and and screws ble flat surf s equipmen nt aged and a ist condition s This equi that are inst onsult with o ent at a time dults only bars when stepping on pedals in ta re feet arou ziness or s...

Page 7: ...O OVERVI 5 IEW DR RAWIN NG ...

Page 8: ...OVERV 6 VIEW D DRAWING ...

Page 9: ... 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 apping 4 crew 2 1 apping 6 4 4 0 1 25 2 7 ARTS L ty N 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 8 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 2 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 4 4 2 5 1 5 6 5 4 5 4 5 2 5 LIST No Descr 29 Cross Screw 30 Crank 31 Wave W 32 Nylon 33 Washe 34 Crank 35 Uprigh 36 Washe 37 Hexag 38A Crank 38B Crank 39L Left W 39R Right W 40 Washe 41 Wheel 42 Wheel 43 Hexag 44 Pedal A 45 Hexag 46L Left ...

Page 10: ...w M4 ew ST4 2 2 PA Qty 4 2 bly 1 mbly 1 2 6 18 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 5 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 10 4 1 1 2 5 2 8 ARTS L y N 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LIST No Descr 83 Handle 84 Cross Washe 85 Bottle 86 Bushin 87 Spring 88 Uprigh 89 Uprigh 90 Cover 91 Magne 92 Magne 93 Hexag 94 Hexag 95 Spring 96 Magne 97 String 98 Cross 99 Socket 00 Magne 01 Hexag 02 Motor 03 Sen...

Page 11: ...HAR RDWAR 9 RE TO OOLS P PACK ...

Page 12: ...bilize 3 with the ecure and two Wash rriage Bol PCS AS er Lift up e bracket h tighten the ers 12 us lt 10 SSEMB the front o holes on th e Front St sing the 13 12 Wash 2 PCS BLY of the Main he Main Fr tabilizer 7 3 17mm W her n Frame 1 rame 15 73 with tw Wrench pro 11 L 2 5 and alig Ensure th wo Carriag ovided Lock Nut PCS gn the hole hat the wh e Bolts 1 es of eels 111 ...

Page 13: ...e 13 17m C re hillips AS lt 12 2 8 2 r Lift the holes on th the top a wo Hexago s 7 Tight mm Wrenc 13 17m 11 SSEMB 2 Washer 2 PCS Washer 2 PCS Main Fra he Main Fr and secure on Socket ten the Bo ch and the mm Wrench BLY 11 me 15 up rame 15 e with two t Bolts 14 olts and N 6 mm Alle h 1PC Locknut 2 PCS 7 Locknu 2 PCS p and slide and the Re Washers 4 two Cu uts with th en Wrench t ut 60 C e the Rear...

Page 14: ... n Socket B after STEP B C D E OLTS IN 87 12 SSEMB Slide th d the parts Upright W s inside the he Uprigh Bolts 6 e P 6 tighten F G and SEQUE Spring W 8pcs BLY he Uprigh above the Wire 75 t e tubes an ht Post 35 eight Sprin the bolts i d H ENCE A Washer W T B A t Rubber e bolt holds to the Main nd slide the 5 to the M ng Washe n the follow A B C 60 Curv 8p WARNING HOROUG BOLTS UN AFTER CO Ring 88 s...

Page 15: ...bes stick one Wash he bolt and 87 S OT GHTEN T LD TO D TING STE AS Handlebars king out pe her 112 d repeat th Spring Was 2pcs THE O SO EP 6 13 SSEMB s Insert a erpendicula one Sprin is step for sher BLY a Bushing ar to the U ng Washer the Left H 112 W 2p g 76 and W pright Pos r 87 and Handlebar 6mm Tool Washer pcs Wave Was st 35 Att d one Hex 63L m Allen Wre l 31 sher 31 o tach the R xagon Soc enc...

Page 16: Handleb 57L to th 60 three hand tight sembly to the Cra ocket Bolt uts sembly To dlebar 57L nd tighten t 34 THE O SO EP 6 7 Lock N 3pcs 14 SSEMB bar Ensu he Left Ha e Lock Nu ten the bol Place the W ank 30 an 6 one S o The Han L with one the bolts a 53 36 Wash 1pc Nut s BLY uring that t ndlebar 6 uts 7 Ma ts and nuts Wheel 42 nd slide the pring Was ndlebars e Hexagon nd nuts her 56 60 Curv 3pc ...

Page 17: ...y han C C Spring Washer 1pc 7 ket OT GHTEN T LD TO D TING STE AS wer Handl ar 57R to Washers 6 and only h ssembly to the Cra ocket Bolt uts ssembly to ndlebar 5 nd tighten t 3 Lock Nut 3pcs THE O SO EP 6 15 SSEMB lebar En the Right 60 three L hand tighte Place the ank 30 an 6 one S o the Hand 57R with o the bolts a 36 Washe 1pc t BLY nsuring tha Handleba Lock Nuts n the bolts e Wheel 4 nd slide th...

Page 18: ... AS Hardw ration of th to allow the ach step th e left side fi e Left Ped side of the m he Right Pe included an o check for he Hardwar 16 SSEMB ware he elliptica e parts of s hat are nee irst of the m dal Assemb machine an edal Assem nd evenly d smooth an re of steps BLY of ste al do the fo steps 3 4 5 ded for tho machine in bly 51L is nd tighten t mbly 51R distribute it d quiet ope 4 5 and 6 eps ...

Page 19: ... ed 6mm A re n Socket t s AS As you are e Pulse Se st See Fig wo Spring Allen Wren 60 Cur 2 17 SSEMB slowly atta ensor Wire gure AA 2 g Washers nch rve Washe 2pcs BLY aching the es I 113A Secure th 87 and er 87 bracket en through th he Handle two Curve 6mm A Tools 7 Spring W 2pcs nd of the H he Uprigh ebar 80 to e Washers Allen Wrenc s Washer Handlebar t Post 35 o the post w s 60 Tigh ch 1PC 80 so...

Page 20: ...lti H res As yo pright Wir 3B See F king sure n of the Uprig s Head Sc 18 SSEMB nsole Re ex Tool w ou are lowe re 75 Als Figure AA not to pinch ght Post rew 78 T BLY emove the ith Phillip ering the C so connec 3 h any of th 35 Instal Tighten the T four Cross s Screwdr onsole 79 t the Pulse e wires pu l the Cons e screws w Tool Multi Hex Scre s Recess river 9 connect e Sensor W ush the co sole 79 t...

Page 21: ...e screws us Install t ghten the ss Head asher 19 SSEMB stall the le here the jo s 29 Tig allation of t method nstall the F pright Pos sing the M the Bottle screws u 29 Cross Head Tap 6 BLY ft side Fro oint of the ghten the s the other H Front Han st 35 wit Multi Hex Holder 8 using the s Recess P pping Scre 6pcs ont Handle Left Hand screws usin Handle Ba ndle Joint th two Cro Tool with 85 with tw M...

Page 22: ...s g the Mult Phillips PC AS Install th e Left Low Tighten the t Covers 34 with tw ti Hex To Hardwar 29 Cro Head T 20 SSEMB he Pivot C wer Handl e screws Install the wo Cross ool with Ph re oss Reces Tapping Sc 6pcs BLY Covers 58 ebar 57L using the e Crank Br Recess P hillips Scr ss Pan crew 8 to the lo L with two Multi H racket Cov Pan Head rewdriver ower portio o Cross R Hex Tool vers 38A d Tappi...

Page 23: ... s on the Tr 110 into tion e Transfor Transforme ransforme an electric AS rmer 110 er 110 in er 110 ma cal outlet 21 SSEMB into the W to an elect atch your BLY Wire 109 a trical outlet electrical s at the rear t make su system Pl of the Mai ure to caref lug the blo in Frame fully check ock end of 15 k the f the ...

Page 24: ...esired e xercise w rcising P rminate w seconds the previo rcising p setting p rcising pr setting p confirm th d hold for measurem or off the L OMPUT exercise when pau Press to p workout to reset ous scree ress to in press to i ress to de press to d he selecti 3 second ment LED Tab 22 TER CO used pause Pr the cons en ncrease r ncrease ecrease r decrease ion ds to ente let Holde ONSOL ress once ole ...

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Page 28: ... the r the Rear he Elliptic Stabilizer e floor Pus Stabilizer TRA cal 1 and lift sh or pull th r 1 and Fo 26 ANSPO t up the ma he unit to t oot Pads ORT achine unti the desired 2 108 l the Whee d location contact to els 72 m then gentl o the grou ake y nd ...

Page 29: ...n u er end cap n the comp er console nnected to e reading o wire connec readout is ands inste and pulse sensors a squeakin ose on the with a soft c e elliptical af moisture on the compu ts and Scre in a clean 27 TING use p on the re puter cons and verify o the wires or there is e ctions for th more prec ead of just w sensors t ng noise wh elliptical P cloth and m fter each us the compu uter consol...

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