Fitness Quest GAZELLE SUPRAPRO Owner'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for GAZELLE SUPRAPRO

Page 1: ...r uctlens SBe LImhed W_rranty Card for delaJls IJyou havr_8ny comments or qL_lens _ont_ our G u_ lomer Se_vi_e Departmerlt t_ llIree al 1 BOO 3Z1 9Z36 Monday through Friday 9 00 am o 5 00 pro ES Please recOl d file Iollewleg Information and keep for rBier elX_ Selia Dal_ Of Pu_h_s_ Save your sales roce_I Youmay wishtostaple itinto lhis m_ nual 2 4_ 3 i i_i ...

Page 2: ... Workout Guidelines 12 Gazelle _ Supra Pro Exercises 14 Care Storage 16 Your Tota Fitness Program 18 Workout Progress Chart 19 Exercise Data Chart 20 02004 _rKJ _12005 FRvles _to Inc _1 fig_s i_s_ _vell C_ _elle_S_la F_O_ a _ a letrk_l_ of _lrle_ r _l _n_ b_dc In C _r_ US Pacen_ If_ Tk_26g S _57 9_i0 _nd ID403 033 NO _ o_ l _J _ bookie r_y be rel_ oouc_ or ur_ _zecl n eny I_m _ by any r_ns __fe _z...

Page 3: ... LI_ _lm_lOq_ L3rOVKg p DO NOT OVER EXERT YOURSELF WITH THIS ORANY OTHER EXERCISE PROGRAM LJ _en _o _OL _ Doay arl_ respo_ TO _y re_ _o_ yo_ may De r_lv_g Y _UI_ _t d SI n_UISh gOOd 7 _1_ _lKe f_t_gue Irom b_J _lq _vhl_rl hu Is ifyoU _X_D _C _ 3y p_l_l or _lgrl flf_ss _1yOL_ C 3_3SL3Jq fr _gLfl_lr hear DeLhi or _rDr_qess or USE CARE WHEN STEPPING ON AND OFF EOUIPMENT Set Uo _n_ u_e your Uqlt on _ ...


Page 5: ...FICATIONS PARTS Specifications Approximate Product Weight Approx 62 Ibs Maximum user weight 325 tb Length 42qf2 Width 30 Height 54 ALSO INCLUDES G_Zet_e _ Supra Pro To_al _ Body Vc_ kc_L Video Top Cal Wheel ...

Page 6: ...Mor_ _qdur_nc_ _31_d _l_t_llr a Les_ body _t and exce_ weight if you a_so follow our ea_mg plan I Imp_ved mus__ e _one in bo_h uppe r ard lower body increased energy _r daily _asks LeSss tre _sand a more po _lt_veoutlook And if you increase your exercise program to Just 20 mlnute_ each day you an accelerate the_ e be_e_ft dramatically An impre_ e retur_ on your investmentl Marry s_udies sh_v tl_t ...

Page 7: ... of t_is boai lel C_I_brate Your Successes evei l rh_ _r1_IP Dne_sI _ive_ j_ur_el Jf_it_ve_ _or re_c t_Jrlg e3 h ofyoclr 1oals arla i __vv_rcl joL rseI o_r Take Setbacks In Strld_ II _ _LI _ ISS _ CJ_y ON yOUr scneaLlle 3 evel7 3 w_el_ _s i_o _ oo i_ _ _o _e_ b_ l oq _ I _OLI _e l_Vl_ ig _FOLI DIe S_I _FI_ _O yOU go31s r_vleVV _l_t_ rt _r_ m_ iY e sL_r_ _ _ney _p re_llS Ic M_ke _3_jk_s_men_ _ you ...

Page 8: ...elp you _on_ol the intensity of your workout and keep your heart rate at a safe and appropriate level The range of motion of your legs and arms A wrdel g Ide wll_ De rllgner iN en_ t_ _3N a _ _ _1t or _rrow g_id_ Gli Jl_g _i h your Knee s if1 _ P_eu r_ or s_ralgh position Jsea er thatl gliding with you tqees L_en _n _ o_ _osl _on Yourhandposltlon AhlghOr_OWhandgllpwll 3liowvo_rarP _sorlegs _ alte ...

Page 9: ... yo_Jr heel Stop puJIfog when yott feel the str_ch Keep your kneecap pointing straight dow_ and keep your knees cio_e togethe_ Do not let the lifted knee swing ou_vard Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 _econds Repeat lot the oti_er eg I 2 Calf and Achilles Stretch Stand approxitnately one arms length _ay from a w_ or chair wr_h your fe_ hip width apart Keeping yo_lr LOe potnted ferWa d r_ve orle leg i...

Page 10: ... abdomlnaJs and Iow_er back Hold for 20 to 30 _e o_lds and reJe3se Rep_gat for oppositP sfde 6 Inner Thigh Stretch Sit on _he noc_r and bend your legs so that the soles of youT feet are togethe_ Place your h_snds on your ankles Lean forward from the I _ _istand press dOWn Ightfy on the inside ol yo_dr i_nees You should feel a stretch in the muscles of yeur inside thigh 7 Arm Pullback Stand with ou...

Page 11: ...erlg_ your near_ ano lur_ This _veJ carl _r_e betwe_r_ 50 8L r_ Ot yoLIf rf_axImU_l _ rlt_r_ r_ _p _r _ 1_ _ al_d your Target Heart I_a e Zo_le Jf3_ou a_ New o exerc_o of out o _ _ffl_ 50 60 may De _de_U3_e o o _mo_ PAr_le_e _rl_y _refer c Wo_ L3 _o _l _q0Yt 65_ ra_e using your emmated hear_ r3te as an i_dicotor Of your fitness e_el orovlae_ a buiJtqr work intensifier f _ ou re LID 31ne_ yOU ll re...

Page 12: ...r _ lnd_ placed j _sr inside the handles Begir_ to move your feet back _nd forth i_ a very Sm_ll ontrol ed glide When you ar_ coiTlfortable with this leg motion and feel baiai_ed increase your stride width sligh0y Keep your knees soft or slightly flexed and your posture upPght t _ oughout the me Ion This movemen i_ c_il ed the _Basic Glide Use this Basic Glide _ v_th your _nds on the _on_ crossbar...

Page 13: c your wrls s sEai_13 and Er otd leBlllDg ilarct o13 _lP arrTl or beqdlM_ _ L yGtJr WTI This gqp m_y De USeQ QUTIrlq any Base G_IdP exercise Use tills Qrl_ When pearn_ng ro gr_e O o_rlrlg your vcarlT_J_ aFio COOI QC_ rl Low Grip Place _ _ourr_arlQs at rl_ b ttom of the t___rld_ ars _ SUreto _eep your nanos on tt3e blaCK i _ndl_ griD not on th_ _an_ cros_b_ This gr 3 _llll _re_se the work Ill _ ...

Page 14: ...e Figum h Resls_ance Leve_s GENERAL WORKOUT RECOMMENDATIONS On the followlr_ pages are elgtlt Da_ c exercises that will comprise yokJr basic wor_obr Before perfortnin_ a_ o Bqe exercises _rst reaQ tlqrougn these instructions and _fer to our wdeo for correc_ exercise exeru_lor You carl also refer _o the videa_ or variatior s of _hese eiQr exercises and for add tJor_al _J erclse_ _ Perl you ar_ read...

Page 15: ...p 3oSi lOrlS v M 2 WIDE GUDE the length of your qnde us Far as you comfortab caq he fOOt D at forr_ DU _IiOW ir _ ll _ir_ _ rT_oJon o OCCUr M2_i_laJ _ _GOd LJ E_gtK posture _Drou_r oLic This _ x_ r This exef l_e _ q be _erlolrrled W Ih I_ neuTra_ or low 13arid grip J x_ltl0n_ 3J LOW GLIDE Start With a Besic Glide movement Graduai_y bend your kne_2_deeper and increase _he lel_tR of your _lJde Le_ y...

Page 16: be performed With the high or neutrai f_nd gnp position YOLIwtll reel additional emphasi_ in the chest front shoulde and he back of the upper arm during this exercise This is an advanced exercise ti_lt should be performed only after proficiency Is at_lned on the first four basic exercises Note Exercising while leaning forward poses a risk of losing your balance and falling resulting In possible...

Page 17: ... feel col _or_bl_ E_em into _ oGr Sides i 1 a og posl fO_ _low _ur arms o DUmB na ural_y as if you _ _ er_jo_l_lg _l_aln _OOQ uprl_l_ DosoJre nro_g_ou _lqi5 e er JOU C_tl W_lle iT_ln _l_Ir_ gooQ Dal_l_ _ _tl_ _OSI UI e Be carefu l no_ to ge_ your I_ead or _houlder _n tl_e way O _ _VI_ _lFig tlal3dle_ Jpflgrlr DO_ ur_ W _r_ e qt thi from happening This is an advanced exercise that should be perform...

Page 18: ...ft I draullc IMPORTANT Disconnecting the Hydraulics mu_t be done prior to folding b Foid the Rignt a_l _eft Foot Pla fo m_ UD ana ior_ nem _nro pk3re DV Sr_app ng the Lower able Holders onto each Swin 9 m_ as snowr c Stand on e_ther the fl_ht or left side 3qd face the unif Place one foot dlrectry In front of one ron_ Foot to hold the LKII_Irl _lace a Grasp tap o _Ight Frame _ _ _t13 or_e hand aed ...

Page 19: ... VDL r DO_S rT_et_boli_lr i_l _l_ll Df_OC_S_ _Uf D_Jd_ _Urf fflor_ _31O 1_ S even W_l Jeyo J I_ _ h_t iou COllIDIng _eCODIC WOfKDU_S wen s_r_rl_T_ l_ _ on_l_lOr_ll_g 3_ yOL Will WI_ OU_ G3_e_ _ SUDr_ P_ O yOL _3N bU_ _ I_lOPe _at arid c_lOrle th_n w1 rh_u _ aerobic Tlqe Gazelle _ SL 3ra Pro _ _or_ou wi l _a _ V ltI_ the fll _ _ _ _ _rts or our 7ot_ Fl ness P_o_ral r_ but iDu f3ee_ _o ri_l _ n_l _ ...

Page 20: ...WORKOUT PROGRESS CHART Date WQIg h_ Waist _m_m H p_ ThUg I_ Calvo 8msling n n n Hg_ rt Rail ...

Page 21: ...EXERCISE DATA CHART Week Of rDateJ Workouts Total Worl_out Time 2O ...
