Tracking exercise
The SmartTrack™ feature on Flex 2 automatically detects and records exercise details such as the number
of laps you swim, the distance you run, and much more. When you sync Flex 2 after a workout you’ll find
your results in the exercise history section of your Fitbit dashboard.
By default, SmartTrack detects continuous movement at least 15 minutes in length. You can increase or
decrease the minimum duration or disable SmartTrack for one or more exercise types. For more
information about customizing and using SmartTrack, see
Note: SmartTrack requires that you wear Flex 2 on your wrist. When swimming, only use the wristband
that came with Flex 2 or another elastomer band in a different color. Metal and other accessory
materials are not designed for swimming.
Tracking stationary time
Flex 2 helps keep you active throughout the day by keeping track of when you’re stationary and
reminding you to move.
If you haven’t walked at least 250 steps in a given hour, at ten minutes before the hour you’ll feel a
vibration and see a light pattern reminding you to walk. When you meet the 250-step goal after receiving
a reminder, you’ll feel a second vibration.
Reminder to move light pattern
Note that Flex 2 can track stationary time and remind you to move when only you’re wearing it on your