Biscuit-Style Resophonic
To prepare cone, measure .462” (11.734mm) from
center of screw hole and drill a .250” (6.35mm) wire
hole (Figure 1).
Add a ring of wood glue around the top rim of the
cone (Figure 2).
Following standard procedures, the saddle should
be fitted for proper height and slotted for strings.
Attach the biscuit to the top of the cone by insert-
ing wire through wire hole and affix biscuit to top of
cone using supplied screw. Screw will go through
cone, biscuit and into saddle (Figure 3).
Solder ground wire to shield
Solder signal wire to short tip terminal.
*If installing a Fishman endpin jack please refer to
Endpin Jack Install Reference Guide.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
514-300-004 Rev E 8/15