Good search techniques are every bit as important as having a
good detector.
1. Once your controls are properly set, press and
release the P/P touch pad, and move into your
search position. Begin your search by walking slowly
and sweeping the search coil in a tight semicircle.
2. Keep the coil parallel to the ground and as
close to the ground as practical. This is extremely
important for maximum coverage and depth. If
you’re searching on a lawn, you may set the coil
right on the grass and lightly “scrub it.”
Overlap your sweeps by at least 50 percent.
Remember that your coil’s search pattern is conical
and if you don’t overlap each sweep you’ll miss the
deeper targets.
4. Search in a methodical manner. Pay close
attention to where you’re going and where you’ve
been so that you don’t retrace your steps or miss
any productive areas.
Keep the search coil
as close to the ground
as possible for greater
penetration, and make
sure the search coil
remains parallel to the
ground as you search.