(for connecting Tape Recorders with separate Record and Playback heads).
The Direct Tape Monitor jacks are connected into the circuit in almost the exact same manner as
the Spacexpander jacks with but one exception -the jacks do not need jumpers because they are
selected by a front panel switch.
The OUTPUT jacks, on the home music system instrument, may have exotic trade names or may be
labeled simply, like TAPE OUT, RCRDR OUT, etc. These jacks are connected to the A (left) and B
(right) inputs of the Spacexpander.
Spacexpander OUTPUTs, A (left) and B (right), are connected to the home music system jacks that
may be labeled MONITOR, MON, TAPE MON, TAPE IN, TAPE PLAY, etc., Make sure that the cables are
not crossed -the right-channel cables must connect to the right-channel jacks (and left to left)
throughout the system.
Make sure Spacexpander MODE SELECTOR switch Is set to NORMAL position for first listening tests,
Set DIRECT TAPE MONITOR switch to ON position.
When separate control-preamplifier and power amplifier units are used in a home music system it
is just as easy to connect the Spacexpander as when Spacexpander jacks are provided The
interconnecting cables between the control-preamplifier and power amplifier units make just
about the same electrical connections as the horse-shoe shaped jumpers in the FISHER
instruments with the Spacexpander jacks.
With some home music system components a slight increase in the audible hiss level may be
noticed This noise level can be reduced by turning down the input-level controls on the power
amplifier chassis (when such a control is provided). The outputs from the control preamplifier
must be increased to as high a level as possible (without distorting or unbalancing the sound
heard from the speakers