Instruction Manual
EZ Valve
November 2017
reused with a new stem except for valves with 0.5 through 1‐inch ports and composition seats (see to figure 13). For these
constructions, a used valve plug guide should only be used if the tip is reused.
For all valves with composition seats,
screw the valve stem (key 7) into the valve plug guide (key 27, figure 13).
Tighten to the torque value given in figure 10. Refer to figure 10 to select the proper drill size. Drill through the
stem, using the hole in the valve plug guide as a drilling guide. Remove any chips or burrs and drive in a new pin (key
8) to lock the assembly.
4. Install the seat ring gasket (key 13), and replace the seat ring (key 9).
With some valve plug sizes and configurations, the valve plug or tip will slide through the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly
(keys 3 and 26), and in other configurations it won't.
assembly (keys 3 and 26), proceed as follows:
a. Place the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly (keys 3 and 26) over the stem of valve plug and stem assembly
or over the stem of the valve plug guide and stem assembly.
b. Install the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly, which also includes the valve plug and stem assembly or
valve plug guide and stem assembly, on the top of the seat ring, ensuring that the seat ring retainer slips onto
the seat ring properly. Any rotation orientation of the seat ring retainer with respect to the valve body is
c. Place the spiral wound gasket, shim, and bonnet gasket (keys 12, 25, and 10) on the shoulder of the seat ring
assembly (keys 3 and 26), proceed as follows:
a. Install the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly on the top of the seat ring, ensuring that the seat ring retainer
slips onto the seat ring properly. Any rotation orientation of the seat ring retainer with respect to the valve body
is acceptable.
b. Place the spiral wound gasket, shim, and bonnet gasket (keys 12, 25, and 10) on the shoulder of the seat ring
c. Slide the valve plug and stem assembly or the valve plug guide and stem assembly into the seat ring retainer and
bushing assembly (keys 3 and 26).
7. Mount the bonnet on the valve body and complete the assembly according to steps 10 through 15 of the Replacing
Packing procedure, omitting steps 12 and 13 if new packing is not being installed, and being sure to observe the
note prior to step 11.
Valves with Overtravel (EZ-OVT) Trim
Perform the following steps to assemble and install the trim
1. Install the seat ring gasket (key 13) and replace the seat ring (key 9).
2. Place the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly (key 3) over the stem of the valve plug and stem assembly (key
3. Install the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly, which also includes the valve plug and stem assembly, on top of
the seat ring. Ensure that the seat ring retainer slips onto the seat ring properly. Any rotation orientation of the seat
ring retainer with respect to the valve body is acceptable.