18 | Troubleshooting
5.5 cu.ft. Undercounter Refrigerator
Troubleshooting Problems
Customer Resolution
Unit doesn't power on
Check for proper installation of the power plug.
Unit's audible alarm doesn't sound when out of temp
Did you just power up the refrigerator and is the system pulling
down to set point temperature? Alarm will not sound until the
set point is met.
Did you have a recent power failure and is the system pulling
down to set point temperature? Alarm will not sound until the
set point is met.
LED Display Issues
Solid Red
The red LED is active whenever there is an alarm. It can be
cleared by clearing the alarm.
Flashing Red (5 second intervals)
Power loss.
Solid Green
No action required
Interior Concerns
I have condensation collecting on the walls
Are you opening the door frequently? If so, the cooling system
is working hard to maintain the target set point and
condensation may form on the walls. It will thaw during the
next defrost cycle.
Door doesn't close/closes incorrectly
Check to make sure something isn't blocking it from closing
Door alarm keeps sounding
Check to make sure the door is properly aligned in the frame
by looking for uneven surfaces. For example, is the gap from
the hinge to edge equal in width all the way across the
I can't hear any noise from the unit
Is the power ON? Is the LED on front a solid green? If so, the
unit is powered and operating normally. Once the refrigerator
reaches its set point temperature then it will be very quiet
during normal operating conditions.
I hear more fan noise than normal
Has the temperature risen recently? Is the front free & clear for
proper ventilation? If you've recently held the door open for an
extended period of time or you put warmer product in the
refrigerator then the unit is likely recovering to its set point
temperature. Only be alarmed if you hear abnormal fan
How long do I have to wait before I can load the
Once the unit displays 5°C, you are safe to start loading. If
loading with room temperature product, we recommend
loading the refrigerator in small increments to avoid raising the
temperature above the controlled temperature zone.
I got a system error code
Call Customer Care for assistance, 866-984-3766
Did you remove the red tab to activate the battery contacts?
If the battery strength is low it needs to be replaced.