and associated trademarks are owned by and used
under license from Mattel. ©2018 Mattel. All Rights Reserved.
Manufactured for and dis
tributed in the United States & Canada by Bivona & Company
125 Jackson Anvenue Suite 1, Edison, NJ 08837
t inquiries can be answered by visiting our website www.bivonaco.com
There, you can order parts, find assembly ins
tructions, and get answers
to frequently asked ques
tions on all of our brands.
You can also email us at [email protected]
In order for us to provide you with the bes
t service possible, please include the
following information in your email:
1. Your Name
2. Address
3. Phone Number
4. Item Number and description of your product
5. PO#
6. Production Date
All product information will be on the product label located on the back of
all dressers and other furniture, and on either the inside bottom of the headboard, crib
ends, or s
tabilizer bar of your crib, depending on which model you have.
Someone will contact you via e-mail or phone to help you with your issues.
If you do not have internet access, you can fax your information to 732-527-0664
If you do not have internet or fax access, please call us at our toll free number 1-888-963-8125.
Be sure to have all of the above information ready to give to your Cus
tomer Service Specialis
Product Assis
tance Procedures
Procedures to follow should you have any ques
You have purchased a quality piece of furniture. Our International team has spent many
hours designing and engineering this piece and packaging to ensur
e you will be satisfied
with your purchase. But if for any reason you need help with your purchase please contact
us at any time.
Bivona & Company
125 Jackson Avenue Suite 1,
Edison, NJ 08837
Toll Free: 1-888-963-8125;
Fax: 732-527-0664
Website: www.bivonaco.com
Email: [email protected]
Bivona & Company
125 Jackson Avenue Suite 1,
Edison, NJ 08837
Toll Free: 1-888-963-8125;
Fax: 732-527-0664
Website: www.bivonaco.com
Email: [email protected]