Picture Taking Tips
• The Fun PhotoMaker is designed to be used
in very bright lighting conditions.
• When taking pictures indoors, make sure
there is a bright light source. The light source
should be above or behind the picture taker.
• The Fun PhotoMaker is designed to take
portrait pictures. Position yourself approxi-
mately two to four feet away from your
picture subject.
• Remember to keep light directed on the front
of your picture subject.
• When taking pictures outdoors, use the filter
). The filter cuts down on the amount of
light that enters the lens. On cloudy days, or
in the shade, you may find that you do not
need to use the filter outdoors. If pictures
taken outdoors print too dark, re-take the
picture with the filter in the open position (
• When taking pictures indoors, you will not
need the filter (
• Keep your fingers away from the lens area.
• Remember to hold still! When you’re taking
a picture, both the Fun PhotoMaker and the
picture subject must stay as steady as possi-
ble until the beep-tone ends. The length of the
beep-tone may vary due to lighting conditions
on your picture subject.