3.4 Door Lock
The locking and unlocking mechanism of the door used in the dryers is a mechanical type. When
the door is pushed closed, the strike is locked into the catch and holds the door shut.
3.5 Door Micro Switch
3.5.1 DE40F56AW & DE50F56AW
The main power via the active line is connected to the door switch and then to the timer control.
When the door is open, the contacts are opened, so the active supply is cut from the timer with the
motor and heater stopped.
3.5.2 DE50F56EW
The door switch is connected to the electronic control module which when closed allows the start
pause button to be activated starting the motor and heater element. When the door is opened the
switch becomes open and stops the controller from driving the motor or heater.
3.6 Electronic Module DE50F56EW
The electronic module controls the dryers main motor at a constant speed. It also manages the
program steps, reads the temperature of the NTC’s and activates or deactivates the heater.
3.7 Main Motor
The main motor is a single phase permanent split capacitor motor which runs at approximately
1400 rpm and is equipped with a 7uF run capacitor. The motor is controlled by relays in the
DE50F56EW and by the timer in the DE50F56AW which reverse the directions of the drum. The
DE40F56AW has only one direction and does not reverse.