General Instructions and Regulations
Seite/Page 12 - Kaptitel/Chapter 1: General Instructions and Regulations
1. General Instructions and Regulations
Safety first!
These symbols are used throughout this manual and on labels on the machine itself to warn of the possibility of
personal injury of lethal danger during certain maintenance work or operations. Read these instructions carefully.
WARNING: Hazardous materials
Can cause acute or chronic health impairments or death
even in very small quantities if inhaled, swallowed, or
absorbed through the skin.
WARNING: Important information!
This warning symbol draws attention to special warnings,
instructions or procedures which, if not strictly observed, may
result in damage or destruction of equipment.
WARNING: Fire hazard
Warning of materials that may ignite in the presence of an
ignition source (cigarettes, hot surfaces, sparks, etc.).
PROHIBITED: No smoking
In the environment described / during the work specified,
smoking is prohibited.
PROHIBITED: No fire or naked light
Fire and naked light are ignition sources that must be
PROHIBITED: Do not activate/start up
The equipment shall not be activated or started up while work
is in progress.