Repair Tape
Parts Required
: TA0004, TA0005, TA0006.
Small tears and splits can be repaired through the use
of polythene repair tape. If you own a polytunnel it is
also worth having a few rolls of repair tape in your shed
drawer as prompt repair of tears/splits will help your
cover last its full term.
The surface of the polythene should be dry and clean
prior to fixing the tape. The polythene around the area
of the tear/split should be pulled back together and
then the tape should be placed along the length of
the tear/split, and then further shorter pieces placed
perpendicular to the first piece (similar to a suture).
If possible this process should be performed on both the
inside and outside of the structure.
Various sizes of Repair Tape can be purchased from First
Repairing Polythene