Strings should be replaced when they become dirty, discolored, or
produce a dull sound.
Strings should always be changed by an
You can change your strings in these easy steps:
1. Remove the old strings.
2. Take a new string out of the plastic
pouch included with this guide.
Thread the end of the new string
through the hole found on the bridge.
Then thread it through the tuning
post hole.
Note: Please use caution while
handling and tuning your strings as
string ends are sharp. Also, too much
tension can break strings and cause
3. Leave 2 1/2 inches of slack beyond
the tuning post, and trim the end of
the string with a pair of wirecutters.
4. Measure 1/8 inch from the end
of the string, and bend it at a right
angle with a pair of pliers.
5. Pull the string so that the bent
section at the end is resting flat
against the tuning post.
6. Make sure the bent end is pointing
7. Locate the tuning key, which is
stored on the side of the harp. You
will need the turn to latch to get the
key out.
8. Pull lightly on the string to create
tension. At the same time, to turn the
tuning post with the tuning key.
tuning post