HotPort 3100 Series / 3500 Series Indoor Mesh Nodes
Firetide Mesh Network with Indoor and Outdoor Wireless Mesh Nodes
The Firetide HotPort Mesh Network
The HotPort™ High Performance Mesh Network is the third generation of
mesh networking products from Firetide, a leading developer of wireless
mesh networks. The HotPort system is a multi-function mesh network that
enables standard Ethernet devices such as access points, surveillance
cameras, IP telephones, network servers, and printers to deliver networking
services over the wireless mesh backbone.
Mesh networking can be compared to the Internet, where data can be re-
routed onto other paths if one path becomes disabled or congested. Losing
one or two nodes or links won’t bring down the entire mesh network. Unlike
other WLAN technologies, a mesh network’s reliability and scalability can
actually be improved by adding more nodes and enriching the density of the
mesh. More redundant paths mean the network in aggregate can handle far
more data traffic, and is therefore quite scalable. Mesh networks are ideal
whenever the network must be reliable, scalable, and flexible. They are very
portable and can adapt to many different physical environments.
HotPort Mesh Network Features and Benefits
Provide Ethernet Anywhere
The HotPort mesh network delivers live Ethernet service virtually anywhere,
indoors or outdoors, without a wired backbone. This makes the mesh ideal
for any location where network cabling is too difficult, invasive, or expen-
sive to install, such as in historic buildings, outdoor locations, temporary
venues such as conferences and festivals, or office space that changes
frequently. The HotPort mesh provides conventional Ethernet functionality,
so Ethernet devices do not require any additional software, drivers, or setup
to operate on the mesh.
Easy to Deploy and Manage
After basic configuration and startup, HotPort nodes automatically find
each other to form the wireless mesh. The network automatically heals itself
if a node goes down or if a path between nodes is blocked. Minimal network
management is required to deploy the network. Network management is
provided with an intuitive graphical interface on a workstation that can be
connected either directly to the mesh or remotely via the Internet.