Operational problems
Blackened glass
The wood is too damp. Only use wood stored for at least 12 months under cover and with a moisture level not
exceeding 20% RH.
Insufficient intake of air from the top air control. Open the top air control further. The air shield system is more efficient
the more air is allowed to run over the glass panel.
The stove is run at too low a temperature.
Smoke in the room when opening door
Never open the door when there are high flames on the wood.
Poor chimney performance - consult chimney sweep.
Check the position of any fitted flue damper or stabiliser and make sure it is in the open position.
Uncontrollable combustion
Damaged door seal. Fit new seal.
If there is an excessive chimney draft - fit a draft stabiliser in the flue pipe - consult a chimney sweep.