Contents Copyright 2006 Final Sound Solutions.
Step 3
Make the necessary connections of the Audio/Video receiver to your Final Sound subwoofer.
The Final Sound subwoofer is designed with two uses in mind. It provides bass to the front channels and to the
center channel. Therefore both the subwoofer pre-out and the center pre-out on your Audio/Video receiver or
multi channel amplifier have to be connected to the (left and right) line-inputs on the Final Sound subwoofer
(as shown in Figure 1).
We recommend connecting the left and right front loudspeaker outputs on your Audio/Video receiver or multi
channel amplifier with the left and right high power inputs on the Final Sound subwoofer. Please be aware, that
there are several ways to connect the subwoofer to your multi-channel amplifier, depending on the brand of multi-
channel amplifier that you use. We therefore highly recommend reading your amplifier manual or if any questions
are still unsolved, to ask your Final Sound dealer for further details. Wrong or improper connections may cause
damage to your system!
Audio/Video receiver settings
The speakers in the Final Sound Home Theater System are designed to function in perfect harmony as a full range
system. For an optimum performance your Audio/Video receiver settings are very important, since perfect sound
starts with the right signal output.
In terms of your Audio/Video receiver settings, the front-, rear- and center speaker channels have to be set as
MEDIUM satellites, when using the Model F600i flat-panel speakers. How to install the optimal channel settings
differs with the brands of the Audio/Video receivers and therefore we recommend reading the Audio/Video receiver
manual or contact your dealer how to get the best settings in order to get the Real Final Sound out of your system.
As explained before also the Final Sound Model F400i center speaker is designed to function in harmony with the
Final Sound subwoofer.
Connecting the Final sound model F600i Stereo System
Figure 2 on page 17 represents the wiring scheme of the Stereo System.
Before connecting the flat-panel speakers, all sound equipment should be disconnected from the mains until you
have gone through all steps below. This will avoid the risk of damage to your system while connections are made
or broken.
First make the connection from the
left and right channel loudspeaker output
of your stereo amplifier to the Final
Sound Model F600i flat-panel speakers. Make shure that the + and – are properly connected (see figure 2, cable C).
Then you have to connect the flat-panel speakers to the mains. The electronics in the flat-panel speakers are
designed to stay powered permanently.
After having done this you can make the connection from the left and right channel loudspeaker output of your
stereo amplifier to the High Level input of the Final Sound subwoofer. Make shure that the + and – are properly
connected (see figure 2).
If the subwoofer is equipped with a High Level Output, it is also possible to connect the left and right channel loudspeaker
output of your stereo amplifier to the High Level Input of the Final Sound subwoofer and consequently the High Level
Output to your left and right flat-panel speakers.
Make sure that the + and – are properly connected. This alternative connection method is not shown in figure 2.