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Long Range Pro Series Spray Gun
• No Drip Shut Off • Easy Pull Trigger Handle • Chemical Resistant Construction
• 38’ Horizontal Throw & 27’ Vertical Throw
To adjust the spray pattern, the nut needs to be adjusted (Ref. A). Spinning it off, towards the
lever, will make a cone pattern and spinning it on, away from the lever, will make a stream.
The lever (Ref. B), is the lock that can be used to lock the lever when pulled, holding the valve
open. Squeezing the trigger, will release the lock.
Multi-Lid Directions
1. Open fill cap and place garden hose into tank. Fill tank to desired gallon marker, if
marker is above the bottom of calibration container, stop before water reaches cali-
bration container. This is done to help chemical mix better and keep foaming of
chemical to a minimum later.
2. Remove Multi-Lid and use calibration container to measure the correct amount of
chemical for the water being used.
3. Pour chemical into tank and tighten Multi-Lid back onto tank. If desired amount of
water was added in step 1, you are done. Be sure to press firmly on fill cap to seal
with Multi-Lid. If desired amount of water was not met in step 1, proceed to step 4.
4. Open fill cap and place garden hose into tank. Add water to the desired gallon
marker. Close fill cap, pressing firmly to seal cap to Multi-Lid.
NOTE: If water and chemical has not mixed properly, use the pressure adjustment
control on the manifold to recirculate the mixture through tank.