Filco Majestouch MINILA-R Convertible User Manual Download Page 20

2way鍵盤 USB有線連接和藍牙無線連接








CHERRY  MX按鍵開關是德國CHERRY公司所產的機械開關,深度有別於一般鍵盤,鍵觸擊深度約4mm,觸發點約為2mm的位置,操作時具有較大彈



◆ 產品介紹

◆ 零件名稱及附件

非常感謝您本次購買FILCO Majestouch MINILA-R Convertible藍牙無線鍵盤。請詳細閱讀本手冊


• 安裝時,請以具有管理權限的使用者帳戶登錄。
• 本產品適用於辦公室和家庭的一般性使用。當涉及對性命有直接或間接影響的醫療設備與金融系統、電腦系統、核能設施,以及安全性和可靠性要求極


• 因外部因素造成本產品故障、連接失敗、通訊不良、停電,或因第三方介入而錯失通訊機會等,所造成之損害行為,本公司不承擔任何責任。
• 因第三者透過攔截通訊內容、洩漏訊息、篡改、破壞等所造成的損害行為,本公司不承擔任何責任。

• 請在無阻礙的良好收訊場所使用。收訊距離所影響之通訊品質,取決於建築物結構和障礙物。處在鋼筋、金屬、和混凝土之間,訊號可能無法連接。
• 用戶若置身妨礙通訊的死角,或未提供無線訊號的地方,會導致通訊中斷或無法連接。
• 連線時,請距離AV和OA等機器2公尺以外。微波爐極易影響訊號,連線時請確保相距3公尺以外,否則可能無法連線成功。
• 由於IEEE802.11g/b的無線LAN機器,和本產品的藍牙功能使用同樣頻率(2.4GHz),兩者靠近使用時,會產生電波干擾,以致影響連接速度或無法連


• 本產品或其他藍牙機器會釋放電磁波,請勿使用於電視或收音機附近,有可能干擾聲音或影像的傳送。


• 關於電池的使用

• 請放置於幼童觸摸不到的地方。
• 請勿將電池加熱,勿拆卸電池或倒入水中。
• 請勿新舊電池混合使用,勿混合使用不同種類電池(如鹼性電池與錳電池混用)。
• 勿使用過期或電力不足的電池,並請依照所在地法規或行政規定,適當處理或丟棄使用過的電池。

• 關於鍵盤處理

• 請擺放在平整場所,以免發生掉落等意外事故。鍵盤屬於精密機械,內有電池與變壓器,故請小心放穩,避免飲料或液體流入機身內部。
• 請勿拆卸或改裝。原廠維修標籤請勿任意撕毀或改造,以免影響保固。
• 以下情形請暫時或完全停止使用本產品,電波影響有可能造成機器無法正常運作而發生事故。

• 心臟起搏器附近
• 醫療機構及醫療電子設備附近
• 飛機機艙內
• 使用本產品會產生對其他機器的電波干擾

◆ 使用注意事項

PC(個人電腦):  使用有線連接時,請用有USB埠的Windows個人電腦

使用無線連接時,請用有藍牙HID Profile的Windows個人電腦

OS(作業系統): Windows XP Service Pack 2或更新的版本、Windows Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8、Windows 8.1、Windows 10




◆ 系統要求

◆ 開關•LED指示燈的功能



USB Through port





• 本產品保固服務只限於日本地區購買並在日本使用。日本以外的FILCO產品銷售據點,保固服務將由銷售地區經銷商執行。包含維修及售後服務。


















◆使用注意事項 ...................................................................................... 38
◆系統要求.............................................................................................. 38
◆產品介紹.............................................................................................. 39
◆零件名稱及附件................................................................................... 39
◆開關•LED指示燈的功能 .................................................................... 39


如 何 連 接

◆選擇連接方式 ...................................................................................... 40
◆透過有線連接到個人電腦.................................................................... 40
◆透過無線連接到個人電腦.................................................................... 40

【步驟①】開啟鍵盤的電源.................................................................... 41
【步驟②】安裝藍牙裝置(配對模式) ................................................. 41
◆安裝藍牙裝置 ...................................................................................... 41
【步驟③】第2台以後的設定(最多可設定4台) ................................. 43
◆變更與刪除藍牙裝置 ........................................................................... 43

 使 用 方 法

◆藉由DIP開關操作變更按鍵功能.......................................................... 44
◆開關6的省電模式 ................................................................................ 45
◆拔下鍵帽上方的字仁 ........................................................................... 46
◆疑難排解.............................................................................................. 47





Summary of Contents for Majestouch MINILA-R Convertible

Page 1: ...icrosoft Corporation in the United States and other countries Bluetooth Bluetooth SIG Inc Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG Inc FILCO FILCO is a registered trademark of DIATEC CORPORATION 2 3...

Page 2: ...3 00 17 00 https www diatec co jp support FORM PC USB Windows Bluetooth HID Windows OS Windows XP Service Pack 2 Windows Vista Windows 7 8 8 1 10 Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth 2way...

Page 3: ...uetooth LED USB Bluetooth Bluetooth USB USB USB Bluetooth USB LED USB USB USB USB Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth USB USB Bluetooth Bluetooth USB Blueto...

Page 4: ...4 MINILA R Convertible 5 Win10 6 MINILA R Convertible Enter 30 7 Bluetooth Windows 8 8 1 10 8 Windows 10 9 LED 10 4 1 2 3 Windows 10 1 2 Windows 3 Bluetooth 4 Bluetooth 5 Bluetooth 6 Bluetooth Bluetoo...

Page 5: ...SB Bluetooth USB USB USB Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth 1 Windows OS USB BIOS OS BIOS Windows OS OS OS Bluetooth USB OS Bluetooth 1 OS OS OS Bluetooth Windows Windows8 Bluetooth Windows7 Bluetooth Wind...

Page 6: ...tooth DIP 1 ON 2 3 4 5 6 CapsLock CapsLock Esc 12 Fn Fn Fn E S D F 13 US E S D F Mac CapsLock Ctrl Del Delete Mac 13 CapsLock CapsLock Esc E S D F Mac 12 CapsLock Ctrl Fn Fn Fn JP CapsLock Ctrl CapsLo...

Page 7: ...JP DIP E S D F DIP Alt cmd Del option US DIP E S D F DIP Del DIP Alt cmd Win option 6 Bluetooth 30 LED Mac 13 CapsLock Ctrl E S D F 13 CapsLock CapsLock Esc Del Delete 13 12...

Page 8: ...ows 8 8 1 Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP SP2 Windows Q Bluetooth Q Q Bluetooth OS OS Shift 2 Shift 7 PS 2 1 2 101 102 Microsoft Natural PS 2 8 8 1 10 PS 2 3 4 XP Vista 7 8 8 1 10 5 XP Vista 7 8 8...

Page 9: ...y maintenance label to avoid affect ing the terms and conditions of warranty Under the following circumstances either temporarily stop or completely stop the use of the product Under the influ ence of...

Page 10: ...t LED indicator of the button will flash and it will switch to USB connection USB mouse etc can be connected through USB Through port for use only when USB is connected Does not have recharging functi...

Page 11: ...onnect automatical ly 10 To confirm the connection status settings please go to Control Panel Devices and Printers Devices 4 1 2 3 When starting operation from the Settings of Windows 10 1 Please clic...

Page 12: ...y Please reference Removing the registered device information and Procedure 3 Setup from 2nd Unit Onwards maximum setup 4 units Priority and Relationship between USB Connection and Bluetooth Connectio...

Page 13: ...d to deactivate the power saving mode the device will automatically resume connection Factory default is OFF status Changes CapsLock key and left Ctrl key Swap CapsLock with Esc Power saving mode ON O...

Page 14: ...lication functions But it cannot be used with other Windows systems There is no support software and drivers Q Keyboard operational error during Bluetooth connection Due to different environmental usa...

Page 15: ...P Service Pack 2 Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 8 1 Windows 10 2way USB USB USB 10 USB 30 FR 4 2 FR 4 CHERRY MX CHERRY MX CHERRY 4mm 2mm DIP DIP DIP 34 USB Through port USB USB LED LED LED...

Page 16: ...ED LED A B C Bluetooth 2 3 Bluetooth 3 3 LED B USB C USB Bluetooth USB Bluetooth ON Bluetooth 2 3 LED Windows 7 8 8 1 10 1 2 3 4 MINILA R Convertible 5 Windows 7 Win10 6 Enter 30 7 Windows 8 8 1 10 En...

Page 17: ...onvertible MINILA R Convertible PIN Enter MINILA R Convertible MINILA R Convertible PIN 2 4 1 USB USB 2 1 2 LED LED 3 USB USB USB 3 LED LED 3 Windows OS USB BIOS OS BIOS USB USB Windows OS OS USB OS W...

Page 18: ...DIP DIP USB DIP 1 ON 2 3 4 5 6 5 Mac 4 5 ON 36 4 E S D F 3 4 ON 36 3 Del Delete CapsLock CapsLock Esc ON OFF 35 US Mac 1 Ctrl 2 CapsLock CapsLock Esc 1 2 ON E S D F Del Delete 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ctrl 6 30 3...

Page 19: ...Shift Q BIOS 2 1 BIOS Windows USB PS 2 Q Q Q Windows Windows Windows Q Windows Windows 10 Windows 8 8 1 Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP SP2 Windows Q Q Q OS US DIP 4 E S D F DIP 3 4 Del DIP 4 5 Alt...

Page 20: ...e AV OA 2 3 IEEE802 11g b LAN 2 4GHz PC USB Windows HID Profile Windows OS Windows XP Service Pack 2 Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 8 1 Windows 10 LED 44 DIP USB Through port USB ON Bluetoo...

Page 21: ...Bluetooth USB LED LED Windows 7 8 8 1 10 1 2 3 4 MINILA R Convertible 5 Windows 7 Win10 6 Enter 30 7 Windows 8 8 1 10 Enter the passcode for your keyboard or try entering a passcode on it 8 Windows 10...

Page 22: ...OS USB OS Windows Windows8 Windows7 Windows8 4 7 8 9 PIN 10 MINILA R Convertible MINILA R Convertible MINILA R Convertible MINILA R Convertible MINILA R Convertible PIN MINILA R Convertible PIN Enter...

Page 23: ...DIP DIP DIP USB DIP 5 Mac ON 46 4 E S D F ON 46 3 Del Delete 6 30 1 ON 2 3 4 5 6 1 Ctrl 2 CapsLock CapsLock Esc ON CapsLock CapsLock Esc ON OFF 45 US Mac E S D F Del Delete 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ctrl 45 44...

Page 24: ...DIP 4 5 Alt cmd Win option 1 2 3 4 Q Q Bluetooth 2 LED Q Enter Shift Q BIOS 2 1 BIOS Windows USB PS 2 Q Q Q Windows Windows Windows Q Windows Windows 10 Windows 8 8 1 Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows...

Page 25: ...OS Windows XP Service Pack 2 Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 8 1 Windows 10 PC 2way USB USB USB 10m PC 4 PC USB 30 FR 4 2 FR 4 Glass epoxy 2 CHERRY MX CHERRY MX CHERRY 4mm 2mm DIP DIP USB U...

Page 26: ...oth USB LED Bluetooth 2 3 Bluetooth LED LED PC USB A USB Bluetooth USB LED USB USB USB Through port USB Windows 7 8 8 1 10 1 2 3 4 MINILA R Convertible 5 5 Windows 7 Win10 6 PC Enter 30 7 Windows 8 8...

Page 27: ...oth 2 FN key Tab key 2 Bluetooth 4 LED Bluetooth Bluetooth PC Bluetooth PC Step Step 4 Bluetooth PC 1 USB PC 2 1 2 LED LED 3 USB PC USB 3 PC LED LED 3 PC OS PC OS USB BIOS OS BIOS windows OS OS PC OS...

Page 28: ...P DIP OFF 4 E S D F 3 4 ON 56Page 5 Mac 4 5 ON 56Page 3 Del Delete 1 ON 2 3 4 5 6 Caps Lock Ctrl CapsLock CapsLock Esc ON OFF 55Page US Mac E S D F Del Delete 1 2 3 4 5 6 OFF 1 Caps Lock Ctrl 2 CapsLo...

Page 29: ...OS OS 2 1 OS BIOS OS Windows OS USB PS 2 Q Q PC Q Windows Windows Q Windows OS Windows 10 Windows 8 8 1 Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP SP2 Windows OS Q PC Q Q Windows OS US DIP 4 E S D F DIP 3 4 D...

Page 30: ...nce and Economic Development Canada ISED Notices This device complies with Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada licence exempt RSS standard s Operation is subject to the following two co...
