26-0190 Issue 9
The Loop +ve (positive) IN and the Loop +ve (positive) OUT connections are split within the module, for cable
continuity readings at the commissioning stage they must be temporarily removed and connected through. Please
remember that all high voltage testing must be carried out before the installation of the electronics, otherwise the
electronics will be damaged. Please also note that the E terminal should only be connected to the loop screen and
NOT to the building earth.
Once all testing has been carried out on the cabling and
continuity & insulation
has been proven, the sounder
can be connected, with each of the three wires from the Soundpoint front being connected to the corresponding
terminal in the backbox according to the wire colour. The Soundpoint front may then be installed by locating the
upper mounting hooks into the receivers in the back box and then pushing the unit gently home. The single fixing
screw may then be tightened as required.
If the device is flush mounted then the loop cabling must be attached to the device via a suitable connection block
(not supplied). Cut off crimp fork terminals, strip ends for desired length and twist conductor strands together
neatly. Terminate your cables directly into a flying terminal block. If using a metal back box, do not connect the
screen to the back box earth terminal or allow it to come into contact with the metal box
NOTE: Before installing the sounder remember to note the serial number of the device (located on the rear of the
unit) on to your drawings or configuration sheets to enable you to prove its location later. The address allocation for
the device is carried out automatically by the control panel whilst in initialisation mode, so addresses do not need to
be set manually. See the system Installation and Operating Instructions for further details.
Device Settings
The sounder modes may be configured using the relevant panel software configuration package (OSP).
Sound Pattern:
Single tone, 970 Hz continuous
Pulsed UK alert signal, 970 Hz 1s on, 1s off
Dual tone UK evacuate signal, 970 Hz 0.25s, 800 Hz 0.25s
Sweep up, 800 Hz to 970 Hz over 1s
Slow whoop up, 500 to 1200 Hz over 3s, 0.5s off
Sweep down, 1200 Hz to 500 Hz over 1s
Dual tone French warble, 550 Hz 0.1s, 440 Hz 400ms
Sound Volume:
L/M/H Low, medium and high settings are available.
See the Engineering & Commissioning Manual for your control panel (Sita, Duonet or Quadnet) for further details of how to
program the above.