Revised 10/12
varies from ambient conditions (i.e. 21% O
), the
sensor may not function properly and may not exhibit
the chracteristics described in this brochure.
7) Please refer to “TGS4160 Technical Information” for
other handling precautions of TGS4160.
5. Important Notice
Figaro Engineering Inc. (Figaro) reserves the right to
make changes without notice to any products herein
to improve reliability, functioning or design.
Information contained in this document is believed
to be reliable. However, Figaro does not assume any
liability arising out of the application or use of any
product or circuit described herein; neither does it
convey any license under its patent rights, nor the
rights of others.
This product is not designed and authorized for use
as a component in life support applications wherein
a failure or malfunction of the products may result
in injury or threat to life. Figaro Engineering Inc.
reserves the right to make changes to this product
without notice to improve reliability, functioning,
and/or design.